I have never looked upon ease and happiness as ends in themselves
Me too! Even as a teen, I bucked the unspoken familial expectations of college, marriage, house in the ?burbs. It was expected, because I was so smart. That future was so wrong for me, but I could not articluate a different future. What followed was a wild spiral in to disaster then maturity. I think that internal restlessness is a divine discontent - my life must have meaning, dammit!
A man can do what he wants, but not want what he wants
I interpret the second want as ?need?, as in ?An man can do what he wants, but not want what he needs? . Am I reading too much in to this?
I am coming to realize how much of our civilization is built from language. Thanks to the written word, learned men long dead have passed their knowledge to the current generation. Our society has a common iconography, which helps us pass on complex ideas quickly. Who today does not understand the Snow White/Evil Stepmother conflict? How many of us redraft our conflicts in our minds to match this
The greater part of our knowledge and beliefs has been communicated to us by other people through the medium of a language which others have created...The individual is what he is and has the significance...as a member of a great human community,
iconography? Who of us would admit that Snow White is a bit of a wimp and dumb, too? Or be able to commiserate with her Stepmother?s fears?
JW paintings of a parklike earth with all the accoutrements of civilization (violin, rubber soled sneakers, soda straw, soccer ball) is just not feasable. A few million people just don't have the mass of knowledge and talent required to keep such a system self-sustaining.