"The World As I See It"

by onacruse 48 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Carmel

    So Craig, is it fair to say that you don't have a clue as to the destination of your cruise? Would you enjoy the trip more if you could define the destination? Are there terms to define the destination? Economists use the "rule of 72" what rules of the road then do you use? If you can't define beauty beyond individual taste, what do you have to follow as a "path"?

    carmel by the see

  • Farkel


    Thanks for the clarifications, and mea culpa for not being in touch with all the facts.

    : Yet you served ten years and Bethel

    : 1.25 years (out of my "vowed before Jehovah" 4 year commitment)

    I'm sure Jehovah has forgiven you. I'm also sure "Bethel" will never forgive you for that. Therein lies the difference between Jehovah and "Bethel." That is why one is a God and the other is a Cult who lies and says it speaks for God.

    Of course, that is all bullshit, too. Jehovah killed and damaged more people than Bethel could ever dream of killing and damaging. At least before Armageddon: they LIVE and DIE for all that carnage. Sick puppies, those Bethel pukes and all their followers.



  • VM44
    Schopenhauer's saying, "A man can do what he wants, but not want what he wants,"

    I am still trying to figure out what this means!



  • frankiespeakin


    I think the statement can be understood in a variety of ways.

    I take it to mean we have wants that we did not choose,,they come with the body we have, just like feet,hands,eyes...etc.there is no indication that we had any choice in ths matter.

    If we were an elephant our wants would be according to the fact we are an elephant,,thus giving us certain wants,,and oblivious to other wants beyond what elephants are capable of wanting.

  • VM44
    we have wants that we did not choose

    Ah ha! that makes the statement clearer.

    So we ourself do not determine completely what we want.

    We do not live in, nor did we grow up, in a vacuum, so what we want or desire will be influenced by all the external (to us) factors we have encountered during our lives.

    Thanks frankiespeakin.


  • frankiespeakin


    I think we are here on this earth with a part to play,,we are given what appears to us as freedom,,but it is not really.

    Like the chaos theory shows what apears to us as random and chaotic is not and follows an order. Just like water turbulance or brownian motion.


    I would like to appologize for my rather caustic reply a while back in this thread,,sometimes I get in an argument over something that I think about alot,,and don't realize how I come off. If I could erase it I would but I keep getting an error mesage when I try.

  • Markfromcali
    but he also said: he who does not hate .....
    ...even his own self, cannot be my disciple --luke 14:26

    Yes Zen, of course this is where the no self thing comes in. Self in this context as you know is really just being in bondage, the best example for a forum like this would be the JW self. Any identity, including Christian would be the same stagnant, idolatrous existence.

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    My childhood mentor has been Issac Newton,"If I have seen further than other men,it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants".. How can petroleum deposits on earth be "fossil" fuels when the outer giant planets are loaded with hydrocarbons?Uranus is a frozen ball of methane i.e."natural gas". Something to brainstorm about. The Trinity dogma.Why it could be plausible, in light of new discoveries in Quantum theory/particle physics which concept allows for a plurality of 'multi-verse' as opposed to just one universe. How God's omnipresence could be in a multiple dimension, so he could be in more than one place or is it three places ? At a time.[Ref;John 1:1, Matt. 10:29 ] This would account for God's unlimited database...Anyone wanna touch this one?

  • frankiespeakin

    Well Danny I guess there is a lot for you to learn and that is good,,when we come to the point where there is nothing more to learn we have reached the end of time. You know you might want to start your own thread on those subjects I'm sure you would get a good response.

    The world as I see it is unknowable!!

    We can debate this and debate that and this is enjoyable,,in fact I get carried away with it,,,but the fact is their is no way in hell you can know the world PERIOD.ECLAMATION POINT!

  • VM44

    Another quote from Albert Einstein,

    "The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is comprehensible."


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