Where have all the good sitcoms gone?

by doodle-v 23 Replies latest social entertainment

  • doodle-v

    Is it just me or does it seem like there arent any really great sitcoms on t.v?

    "Friends" hasnt been funny in at least two years.

    "Frasier" was only funny the first couple of seasons

    "Malcom in the Middle" and "The Bernie Mac Show" I can tolerate and actually find pretty funny now and again.

    My favorite one right now is "Curb your Enthusiasm" but that is on HBO and i'm not sure if its even considered a sitcom per se

    But even those arent as funny, risque or irreverent as what used to be on t.v.

    I'm talking about sitcoms like "The Jeffersons", "Sanford and Son", "All in the Family", What's Hap'nin, Welcome Back Kotter, Threes Company

    Can't they make funny tv anymore?

    -Doodle-V of the "Nick at Night" class

  • Puternut

    I agree Doodle,

    I haven't watch much TV lately. There seems to be not much on anymore. Even the regular shows aren't all that great. (imho)

  • Sassy

    I miss them too.. I only watch a few sitcoms regularly.. Girlfriends.. Half and Half..

    will you people stop watching all these REALITY SHOWS??? that is why we are losing the good sitcoms....

    fortunately trends change.. I am sure they will be back...

  • ApagaLaLuz

    I like those MTV reality shows. ( it's my little secret though sssshhhhhh)

    I cant tell you how many times I've seen someone yelling at somebody on those shows, but I still tune in every week to watch them yell somemore.

  • Sara Annie
    Sara Annie

    There are some very funny sitcoms out there right now, chief among them are:

    Arrested Development--funniest, best written show on TV right now. Fox Sunday night, 9:30/8:30 central

    Reno 911-Hilarious, superbly written and laugh out loud funny. Smartly executed satire. New season starts next month

  • doodle-v

    Sassy you are right, to much reality t.v. has killed the sitcom.

    I think another problem is they are so quick to pull a show off the air if ratings arent high enough. They dont give shows enough time to develop an

    audience. So you may find a good show and really enjoy but then its gone after just a couple of episodes. Case in point:

    The Andy Richter show: I thought this show was hilarious but it didnt even last a season

    Freaks and Geeks: Was great and critics loved it to but only lasted one season.

  • doodle-v

    Sara Annie: thanks i will have to check those out, I heard Arrested Development was really funny.


  • Sara Annie
    Sara Annie
    The Andy Richter show: I thought this show was hilarious but it didnt even last a season

    My husband and I loved that show, Doodle.

    But we did notice that it's 'return' episodes after the initial run was pulled weren't nearly the same caliber as the first several episodes.

  • Larry

    I was just talking about that the other day. But to just name a few of the good ones (oldies):


    All in the Family

    Good Times

    Barney Miller

    Happy Days

    Facts of Life

    Odd Couple

    One Day at a Time

    A Family Affair

    Fat Albert

    Three's company


    Gilligan's Island

    Family Ties

    Peace - LL :)

  • Corvin

    Sitcoms have a tendency to try and humorously reflect the changes and attitudes of our culture. Many fall short and are just silly regurgitated plotlines and old recycled and restructured punchlines from other sit-coms.

    Will & Grace is my favorite because of its irreverence and blatant sexual innuendo. So funny!

    Friends has always been my overall favorite but had a season or two where they were having a hard time finding the funny, but I am looking forward to its dignified end. I am content to enjoy the reruns. I still laugh. I still laugh my arse off at the I Love Lucy reruns too.

    This post will be a tribute to the show Friends. Bye you guys . . . I'll miss you.

    Friends cast in the beginning:

    A preview of their reunion show in ten years . . .



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