Well, that was a quick reply.
I believe you when you say you are a baptized, active JW. I need to know that kind of thing up front, as it can be a waste of time (of both yours and mine) if you aren?t a JW and yet are taking the position of defending the faith, as it were. Thank you for that answer.
Next, are you going to continue to dialogue with me even though we both realize you have been instructed by the Watchtower Society to not exchange dialogue with someone who has left the Society and who is opposed? I believe the vernacular is, "left the Truth". And so that you know up front, I am most definitely opposed to the Watchtower Society. Let?s be clear on this point.
As to your age, I thought you had said you were twenty-four, but I read back and its twenty-two. At my age that?s of little consequence, but I stand corrected, Bastiaan.
I am not familiar with Perthes sickness, but I am glad you have recovered from it. Good for you.
I?m glad to hear you don?t take everything for granted you hear at the meetings, that?s good. Is there anything you are currently hearing that you disagree with? Has there ever been something you disagree with, regarding the Society and it?s teachings?
What do you think would happen if you ever disagreed with the Watchtower Society on a particular issue? Do you think you would be allowed to remain a Jehovah?s? Witness if you disagreed with the Watchtower Society concerning its doctrines? Are there any doctrines that you disagree with?