Our IN-justice System

by MyKidsMom 33 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Brummie

    What a sad post :( thinking of ya mykidsmom and glad they have a mother like you around them, I can see why you call it the "injustice" system. grrr


  • little witch
    little witch

    Hi MOMK, and welcome aboard. I am sorry for not welcoming you sooner. I actually was online and saw your post, but I chose not to respond at that time. I would like to tell you why I didn't and perhaps why some of us were leary.

    The effort to protect children especially those involved in the jw religion are of great importance to us all here on jwd. It is heart wrenching to hear of,or be a survivor of any sexual offender. Our board is very much jw related, and so we pretty much concentrate our efforts on protecting jw kids in particular. This is because the governing body (the heirarchy of jw's) protect child molesters within their ranks. They are not the only ones to do so, but this board is predominatly ex jws who are trying to seek change within this particular group.

    Your initial post (and one that I am sure took much courage) dealt with your son being a sex offender, and that by it's nature triggered some of us to either not post, or post our negative energy toward someone who empathized with an offender.

    What you have really done is open a new and ground breaking discussion. What about the families of sex offenders? What must the parent feel? What does a sibling feel? How do we heal if we are trying to address this horrid issue and still keep a family together?

    These issues are deep and need alot of thought. I am so sorry for not addressing your personal feelings. I apologize from the bottom of my heart, and hope that you will remain interested and engaged.

    In short, some of us were triggered. Lately, we have had several "trolls" who have posted some hurtful stuff, and it has caused us to be, well, hair triggered.

    I apologize for forming an opinion before I got to know you. I hope you will feel free to stick around.


  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    Your initial post (and one that I am sure took much courage) dealt with your son being a sex offender, and that by it's nature triggered some of us to either not post, or post our negative energy toward someone who empathized with an offender.

    What you have really done is open a new and ground breaking discussion. What about the families of sex offenders? What must the parent feel? What does a sibling feel? How do we heal if we are trying to address this horrid issue and still keep a family together?

    These issues are deep and need alot of thought.

    ((((LW)))) I appreciate your candor on this subject SO MUCH, chere! I, myself, have a son in prison who's a sex offender. MKM has given me the courage to post his story here on JWD and to reveal some of the aspects of trauma that the inmates and their families are undergoing constantly from the abuse and medical neglect (horrid) in the criminal injustice system. I'll probably start a thread on it tomorrow, but I'm not looking fwd to the negative reactions there will be from some, as I'm sure there will be.


    Frannie B

  • kls

    Frannie , i hope people understand that all people make mistakes and that does not make them a bad person. Everyone deserves a second chance, i can't imagine how you and MKM feel and i hope i never have to find out. Having a son in a halfway house was hard enough. I am so sorry for you both and other parents like you. This really break's my heart. A HUGE HUG FOR YOU BOTH,

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop


  • kls

    Pork chop, these guys are doing the time and paying for what they did. The problem with the jws is they are harboring molesters, knowing they are molesting kids and doing nothing about it except sending them back to remolest. I believe the jw data base is 23000 that have never brought to justice to reaffend.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    PC, this thread is about providing support for a mother who is upset about her child. If my son were convicted of chlid abuse, he would still be my son. I would love him even while I visited him in prison.

    Leave this thread alone. If you feel this strongly about this subject start your own thread. This level of feeling is inappropriate on this thread.

  • kls

    Thankyou moderator

  • Yerusalyim

    MYKIDS, Painful story, I'm heartfully sorry for you...I know it won't ease your pain, but after the Carlie Bruscca thing in Florida, any SO regardless of the actual SO offense, will have a hard time staying on the outside if the parole or probation is violated in anyway...

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    after the Carlie Bruscca thing in Florida, any SO regardless of the actual SO offense, will have a hard time staying on the outside if the parole or probation is violated in anyway...

    Yerus, it's very sad to say that they are ALL liable to be "violated" re: their paroles on trumped up charges, IF they are allowed parole, no matter what state they're in....and sentenced indefinitely, over and over again.....till they never have any hope of living outside. When I post the story about my son tomorrow, I'm gonna include some media tidbits on what's been happening just here in Texas re: the criminal justice system.

    Frannie B

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