I admit I ran from this one when I first read it because of nature of the crime. but I kept returning to read. Thank you Little Witch for the words you said. I was not seeing from Mykids. view and I am sad that I made that error & apologize to MK. So MK. your post helped hopefully more than one person to improve. Happy Mothers Day
Our IN-justice System
by MyKidsMom 33 Replies latest jw experiences
little witch
Frannie Dear,
I never knew that you were experiencing this. I am so sorry for the pain you are suffering. You and MOMK's are very couragous and caring to broach this subject in such a personal way.
I am all too familiar with the workings of the JW org. There isn't anything about it that I don't already know. I'm no rookie, ok? Been there (born and raised), done that, won't ever go back. In my personal and firm decision to leave the org, I lost my entire jw family. The decision was mine and mine alone to make; I don't look back, don't regret it either. The consequences of walking away are ones I've dealt with for several years now, and I'm doing just fine thank you.
It's my understanding that this forum is for those who have been affected in one way or another by the jw org, who want thoughtful consideration, caring and empathy. Where is it? Has the org turned some of you so sour that you fail to see the good intent in others? Do you immediately "smell a rat"? I find it incredibly sad, and it brings back memories of the controlling nature of the org that I'd rather not remember. Isn't it rather ironically funny that I came here regarding my son's situation, not asking or wanting anything from anyone, just simply to voice what I consider to be an outrage. Yet, I'm immediately, erroniously judged by some who would rather assume the worse, rather than consider the perhaps remote possibility that this situation my son is now in is UN-Just and I am just a venting mother.
I know all too well the pain and suffering many of you have experienced being victims of child abuse/molesetation etc. Been there, done that too. Being a victim myself as a young girl, then my own child being a victim, who then as a teenager commits incest on his little sister and goes to jail for it. My perpetrator never went to jail, my son's perp never went to jail, but my son went to jail for incest.
It is my personal opinion, I repeat MY PERSONAL OPINION, that there is a big difference between someone who has a sexual desire for young children (Sexual Predator/Sex Offender) VS. someone committing an incestual offense as a juvenile, but having adult relationships with adult woman ever since. Therefore, IN MY OPINION, my son is not a pedophile. He is a childhood, multiple victim of sodomy by a pedophile in our cong, who then as a teen committed incest on his little sister and went to jail for it.
My son paid for his crime. Now he deserves to live his life as a productive member of society, without the horrible stigma attached to his name.
I may or may not come back here. OUR struggles as previous jw's should have opened minds and hearts, rather than close them. Perhaps some of you are out of the org, but maybe just maybe the org is still in some of you. What a shame. What did they always spew about judging others?
As in any group, there are always a few ...
I understand your disappointment, one thing I found after joining this DB (many years out,too) is that people are people and ex-JWs are not necessarily any kinder or more open-minded than the rest of the world. That being said, there are a lot of really caring people here who will see you through this crisis.
I think if you read the thread, you will see you have support here, please don't let Pork Chop's unkind, judgemental attitude put you off those who will be there for you.
{{{{{MyKidsMom and son}}}}}
I agree with what you said about your son. Although I had severe abuse myself, I am not unsympathetic to your son. He has been trying so hard, it seems, and this is what happens. That is why I offered you my support. I'm sure many others feel the same, although even any discussion of these matters can act as a trigger for us.
take care, and I hope you stay.