Yeru, I do think we can compare the two organizations, though their agendas and structure are very different. This is the way I see it:
FOF - Large non-profit publishing company.
WTS - Large non-profit publishing company.
FOF - 86% of income from contributions (FOF suggest donations for their products, but their flagship magazine arrives free forever, once you request it)
WTS - assume majority of income is from contributions
FOF - publishes their financial statements
WTS - does not publish their financial statements
FOF - magazines go to 2.3 million people a month - on request
WTS - Watchtower article circulation 16 million - distributed free, cold-call, by congregation members. Also, all 6 million members are required to keep a copy to study.
FOF - Founded 1977.
WTS - Founded 1884.
FOF - Non-denominational, encourages subscribers to first support their local church.
WTS - Single organization, encourages members NOT to associate with any other group, and discourages outside reading.
FOF - offer tours of their Administration and Operations buildings in Colorado Springs.
WTS - offer tours of their facilities in Wallkill and Brooklyn.
You may be right about FOF contracting out it's printing, but I remember clearly they build a significant property a few years ago, consolidating their organization somewhat. That is why I included the link. They spent 50 million on building improvements last year.
From my point of view, the WTS and it's publications are stale, compared to the relatively youthful FOF.