Profit and loss are all spelled out clearly on the Focus on the Family website. Where are the WTS ledgers for comparison? That tells me who has more to hide.
I agree that the WTS is far too secretive about, well, most all things. This definitely includes money. I'm not arguing that fact about the JWs, (although it seem rather obvious that guys like Dobson and Pat Robertson are mega-millionaires who run a very profitable empire).
The WTBTS makes a big show about not being like the other churches where it comes to "giving" (i.e. boxes instead of baskets, volunteer labour), but I find them no less forward about asking for money.
Well, that is a matter of opinion and I disagree. Money doesn't come up too often in the JW religion. When they do ask for money I've always felt it was tastefully done.
Personally, I find the JWs to be a little more righteous then the Evangelicals when it comes to money. Or most religions for that matter.
Because they told you so? That is a valuative statement. Back it up.
No, not because "they told me so." Because I am fair and balanced (I think) in my estimation. Evangelical TV shows (ie, "The 700 Club") are always offering some lame piece of literature for a price (usually touted as equally lame "love gift" or other such lameness). I saw a flyer put out by an Evangelical Church which advertised seiminars on how to "make it in the economy." Of course this is all for a price.
No one can offer an opinion as if it were some sort of logical axiom. That's why I said "personally I find...."