what do you miss most about being in the truth!?!?!

by dh 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • exjdub

    Too funny dh! Thank you for reminding me of what took 7 years to bury and forget. Now I feel like curling up in a ball and sucking my thumb after that trip down JW memories. lol!

    the green carpet

    Ahh! The universal color scheme by the "brothers". It usually came with orange in the mix there somewhere. It was like a time warp of 60's fashion every time you stepped into the kingdom hall.

    To be honest to the thread...I searched and searched my memory to find one good thing. I guess it's not that good things didn't happen, or that I did not experience nice things, it's just that bad feelings and negative things were so intertwined with the good that it negated any positive emotion that you could come away with. I could not think of one good thing that stands on it's own. I am relieved and happy to be out and free!

  • Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
    Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.

    To be concise - sweet fcuk all.


  • Carmel

    nothing that I could put in print......

    carmel of the "amnesia" class

  • franklin J
    franklin J


    absolutely nothing

  • CeriseRose

    I miss my sister, and one or two friends. Otherwise, I don't miss having my every activity scrutinized and judged, the gossipy, backstabbing, demoralizing atmosphere, the constant push to do more and the resulting feelings of inadequacy.

  • shamus
    I don't miss having my every activity scrutinized and judged, the gossipy, backstabbing, demoralizing atmosphere, the constant push to do more and the resulting feelings of inadequacy.

    What an incredible statement! It sums up perfectly what I thought of the dubs towards the end.

    I don't miss one dammed thing. The funny thing was whilst I was in the 'loving' true 'brotherhood' I couldn't imagine my life any other way than for 'the organization'.... er um... Jehover.

    Nope. Not one thing. Great thread, DH!

  • Elsewhere

    I very much ENJOY being apart of the Truth. Why someone would not is totally beyond me.

    Regarding the WTS... I miss NOTHING.

  • Sassy

    I miss believing in a dream.. believing there were answers to life's problems.. miss thinking the problems on earth are short term and soon we will all be in a new system where health will be good.. death be gone. etcetc.. I miss that dream..

    and I miss my old friends..

  • frenchbabyface

    The only thing I miss i seing some bro and sis getting crazy in a funny way ... Like sometimes one of them couldn't just take it anymore ... and got all weird (most of the time talking crazy, cursing, being rude ... LOL)

    Also looking right in between the eyes someone you know who is lying in front of everybody and see "how" good or bad actor he/she can be. Also like hearing people say, I could never do this ... (Oh Yeah ! Talk to the hand ... please)

  • pratt1

    I have got to admit, I miss the orange floats that were served at the Bliss theater where we held our curcuit assemblies.

    Oh, and White Castle.

    I'm on a low Carb diet now.

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