Do NOT watch this...

by blacksheep 60 Replies latest social current

  • Richie

    Blacksheep; I didn't want to watch this video but curiosity on my part got the better of me......and I tell you, you are so right: I should have never watched it!!! After I did, I felt sick and was trembling with fear and anger. This was 3 days ago and I am still thinking about it and can't get the picture out of my mind. This barbaric act could not have been done by "humans', but clearly it was performed by demonic savages, who had no regard for human life.

    Richie :*)

  • bebu
    My reason for not viewing or listening to the audio, is my respect for the man and his family. Not that I will ever meet his relatives, but I could never look them in the eye, and tell them how sorry I was for their loss, and not feel that I had betrayed them by viewing the video.

    That's how I feel about it as well.


  • freedom96

    I watched the video too, and came very close to turning it off during those few minutes of talking before the execution.

    I can watch tons of violence in the movies, but that doesn't come close to watching the real thing happen.

  • donkey

    I watched it a dew days agao and the images and sounds are still running through my head. It is terrible.

    I cannot express how I feel on this site.

  • Mulan

    I can't watch things like that, even fictional ones. They haunt me for years. I think a real one might push me over the edge.

  • donkey

    Everyone should watch it.

    Then you can realize without any doubt America only has 2 choices: get tough or get out.

    I vote get out. Shut the doors and the check book and leave the rest of the world to kill each other.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    Everyone should watch it.

    Thanks, but no thanks. If someone wants to watch that video, I will not criticize. I just can't find it within myself to deliberately see such a thing.

  • WildHorses

    I will not be watching it either. Just the thought of it turns my stomach.

  • 4JWY

    I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since I only even read about it in the paper. I'd never be able to or want to view it - just knowing that he is someone's son - I don't know how a parent could ever get over that having happened - loving my sons as much as I do, I'm devastated for the family as I'm sure all are.

  • Brummie

    People should be free to choose whether they want to watch it or not, I certainly wont be watching it.


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