I don't fear death at all,,,,, but I do fear a painful death, as we all do. I only fear death in that I don't want my loved ones to feel so sad when I am gone. I know what it feels like to lose your mother too soon,,,,out of the blue and how it affects every aspect of your life for years after.
My youngest son went thru a stage of worrying that I was going to die and it was so hard to listen to him grieve over something he just imagined. I tried to comfort him with words of things I wish were true,,,,like the concept of Heaven and what I would do when I got there, etc. I just had to set his mind at ease and since I am not sure what is out there, I feel I just gave him another view on what could happen after I die. When he is older I hope , as for all of my children, they will search out what they know to be true.
But for the time being it seemed the best way to handle his fear , after just coming out of the JW's and getting over his Armeggedon nightmares.