Hi Simon!
Thanx for your nice words about me on my language! I use my english everyday at work as I work for an international company. SO it's very useful. I got to learn my english on the internet by chatting with people and also by travelling a lot in USA since 1999.
Also by watching DVDs, you put english language and english subtitle, it helps you a lot to understand and then learn different ways to express yourself front of someone, I really learned a lot like this.
I am now able to think everything I want to say first in english as I am used to it with my work, it's really helpful and I react instantly when foreign people come to talk to me ! (But I don't do the Jean Claude VanDamme style LOLOL) I know how to switch from my native language to english)
I'm glad to be on the forum, there are really such nice people here!
By the way Simon, a girl, speaking in french with an english accent, is driving me completely crazy LOL ! I love it and find it incredibly cute !
But for a man... hmmmmm... How to say....hmmmm.... LOL... Just keep on frenchbabyface's opinion hihihihi !
Salut Frenchbabyface!
En effet, je suis à l'origine de Paris en France. Je me suis installé à Genève pour mon emploi, car en Suisse les salaires sont le triples des salaires français, donc je suis vite parti de Paris, et à 23 ans c'est une bonne chose !
En tout cas, je suis bien mieux à Genève, la ville est magnifique, on y rencontre des personnes de tous les pays du monde qui parlent différentes langues, grâce aux organisations internationales telles que l'ONU, OMPI, OMS etc..., c'est vraiment super ici!
Et toi ? tu as quel âge, tu es d'ou ?
C'est vrai que c'est cool de rencontrer des personnes françaises sur ce forum ! En tout cas, je suis ravi de faire ta connaissance !