BOE Letters

by Perry 30 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Perry

    Around 18 months ago or so I thought I heard about one (Body of Elders Letter) that counseled Elders that if they had committed fonication, and it had been awhile, and if they felt that God had forgiven them, that it was not necessarily a mandate that they confess to their fellow elders nor step down. Or, something to that effect.

    Does anyone remember that one or where I can get a copy?

    Any help greatly appreciated.


  • blondie

    Perry, I thought this point was also in the Pay Attention to the Flock book. I just can't find it right now.

  • Perry

    Thanks Blondie. I saved that site. Great to know where to look now for the Pay Attention book. But, i specifically remember that being in a BOE letter.

  • Flash
    i specifically remember that being in a BOE letter.

    If your right, then without a doubt the WTS has become a part of Christendom!

  • hillary_step


    I cannot recall a letter from the WTS over the past thirty years that states that, or even implies it.

    I recall a '72 Kingdom Ministry that did allude to the fact that if a JW sinned some years ago and it was evident that God had forgiven them, then they would not need to report it. I wrote to the WTS regarding this issue some years later when a member of a Branch Committe in a certain country in Europe was removed for an indiscretion that they had committed twenty-five years beforehand.

    They wrote back telling me that the '72? KM was not alluding to serious failings like adultery and fornication, but minor failings such as giving in to a Marlborough or bathing your liver in Whiskey on a long weekend.

    Bestv regards - HS

  • Perry


    The society cannot be part of Christendom (Christ's Domain) domain until they allow the Great Crowd to actually become Christians. Soon after baptism, I remember exactly where I was standing when an elder and an ex-branch overseer told me that the bible was not written to me specifically and that Christ only died for the 144,000. At first I thought he was joking. Then, I just went pale.

    Hi HillaryStep,

    You may very well be correct. However, there is no question that was bantered around a bit on this board some 18 months to two years ago. I didn't have a chance to follow up on it to verify and it has bothered me ever since. It is possible I took someone's irony for fact, but I thought I actually read it myself.

    I remember it referring specifically to Elders. Maybe someone else will remember something about it.

  • Max Divergent
    Max Divergent

    BUT... these are the condiitons for the '72 article which has never been overuled (from memory):

    1. The person must not have had access to WT info that their act was a sin (eg: it was only written in a BOE letter),

    2. More than 3 years must have passed between sin and confession/discovery

    3. An appointment by holy spirit (to elder or MS, and maybe to Reg Pio) must have occured between sin and the confession/discovery

    I'm not sure if the person needs to show repententce or not because forgiveness is deemed to have been given by Jehovah Himself. The evidence of the forgiveness is Jehovah's approval on his appointment as an MS or elder. (NEAT SYSTEM?!?)

    The grossness of the sin is not relevent. It was put there for the smoking cases of the 1970's, but it still has rare application.


  • Perry


    The first point or condition is not clear to me. Was this in a KM like HillaryStep suggested or in a BOE?

  • Stefanie

    OMG Blondie.

    Thanks for the link. That was the secret little green book!

  • Max Divergent
    Max Divergent

    Perry - it was an OKM in about '72 as HS said. I'd guess that a BOE of the sort you mention would very likley be on the authority of that OKM. It is unlikley (but might happen) that a BOE would have 'new light', more likley a new shade on an old lamp.

    As to 1), there is more specific detail on certian DF offences in the Flock book (and maybe letters etc) than in the public materials. The common one that gets quoted often is the more explicit description of pornia in Flock compared to the WT. 'Borderline cases' might be technically grey areas according to the WT, but are DF offences according to Flock. If a new elder reads Flock for the first time and has a guilt trip as a result of a 'grey area' indiscretion years ago (and has been a good boy since) that he now knows to be a DF offence and confesses, he need not be removed and reproved/DF as a result of this.

    I'd suggest it's sensible and preserves some Christian charity and fairness. I'd just like the same charity extended to all JW, not just those who get an appointment. I seem to recall the discussion months ago. I think that's all it was, no big deal.


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