Yes Blondie, that is disturbing. Many men could reason that the way to deal with sin is to just keep quiet about it and reach out for an office of oversight. If accepted.... bada-bing, eureka! ...sins are forgiven and he can now look forward to being a prince over all the unlucky members that didn't figure out the loophole.
Aren't heretics great? Since they reject Christ's ransom for the Great Crowd, the only recourse they have for dealing with sin is to get some sort of blessing from the only ones in their mind that he did die for... the G.B. And, in the form of an appointment no less!
The actual truth is so simple. Christ did for all. He is the one who declares people righteous.... and only by faith. Human efforts to reduce sin is of no use at all. Only after accepting Christ can the indwelling of the Holy Spirt change personalities and morality.....only after the conversion or exchange has taken place. Since JW's refuse to accept Christ as their Savior, and instead, accept the G.B. as their Savior, they cannot have the help of the H.S. and hence have no help against sinning against Law but their own will power.
1 Cor. 15: 56 - "The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the Law."
It has taken me a lifetime to understand this simple truth.