HS wrote:
They wrote back saying that this was between his conscience and God and quoted Cornithians, 'This is what some of you were'. I wrote back to them asking, what if he had helped to murder the girl afterwards? They informed me that in such a case it would be neccessary to insist the person reported this to the authorities, rape obviously not being as serious a crime to their way of thinking than murder!
Legal definition of accomplice:
ยท Has legal duty to prevent commission of crime but fails to do so
Well that is absolutely incredible. What is so painfully obvious is that the WT so easily assumes the role of identifier and forgiver of sins, roles biblically given to Christ and the Holy Spirit. Christ's two greatest commandments (as well as Caesar's laws) are thrown out the window when the Society starts trying to regulate the appropriate reaction and remedy to sin.
Max wrote:
So, for practical purposes it's mostly the sinning of the nature for which the council of an elder or two will suffice, except where the sinner is ignorant of the nature of his sin being a Gross Sin, such as where it's only defined as a sin in a book he has no access to - like Flock.
So the society takes it upon itself to decide what is and is not "gross sin". So, the concealment of gross sin negates the loophole in the '72 OKM. I see now.
However, similar to my illustration of the Elder child abuse that falls short of actual penetration is Hillary Step's experience above. This proves that the society is more than willing to break the law of God as well as Ceasar when the sin doesn't match their idea of "gross sin" . Can you just imagine what a jury would do to the man who simply watched the rape? Can you imagine the "gross sin" argument working on a jury of average people? While not maybe not having the same punishment as the actual rapists, that kind of criminal indifference is a felony offense.
XQ wrote:
Also JWs are true christines or what ever, but 99% are unsaved.
I appears that by using the word "whatever" that your idea of a true Christian is a bit foggy. According to well established Christian doctrine, it is the very faith and explicit trust in the promises of Christ that makes them Christian. They are declared righteous (Abraham was declared righteous by faith in God's promises alone, since he predated the Law) by that childlike trust. God spent thousands of years to make this one point. If we believe in God, it would be a shame to miss that point. That is the core of Christiantity.
So, since 99% of JW's believe that the promises of Christ do not apply to them, but only to the G.B.; and since the R&F believe that they only get to share in the promises to a limited degree if they are obedient to the entire body of G.B. teachings (a baptismal requirement), then functionally only the G.B is their Savior along with their whimsical teachings. Which of course, is a direct challenge and falsification to Christ's claims. It's just a clever way of denying the office of Savior of the Messiah.
That is why when we went door to door that sometimes we encounterd folks who accused us of not "beleving in Christ". Of course, we thought that was nonsense since we believed he actually lived and died. That of course wasn't what they were talking about. We just coulldn't get it because our faith was a perverted one in the promises of men. A common theme in all cults and heretical teachings.
Now, that only leaves the 1% whom you suspect are saved, I'm assuming because they accept that Christ died for them and they believe in the promises. However, this cannot be because they deny and teach that he did not die "for all men" .... another minimization of Christ's role and office.
Tragically, they believe and clearly teach that they are "the Way and the Truth, and the Life" and furthermore they teach that channel (themselves) is open to "all men", when Jesus plainly said that he was. This particular claim doesn't merely minimize Christ's role but steals it outright, setting themselves up as an anti-christ.
1 John 2:22 - "Who is the liar? It is the man who denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a man is the antichrist"