Hi Odrade,
I love these shorty versions. All the juicy high points, they don't hurt my poor overworked student brain
It as been a busy week and weekend. Anyway, they article was not a deep one, just a basic harangue.
Hey Supermommy,
I remember during my recent studies being told how other churches ask for money and the KH never does.
My husband remembers being told that when he was studying and he had already been attending all the meetings for a year. He pointed out to them where they asked for money all the time by having talks about how to make contributions, reading the monthly expenses report, reminding people where the contribution boxes were and how they labeled. At the assemblies/conventions, they have announcements telling you how much in the hole the finances are, that contributions should be made out to "Watchtower," that they need a signed document if they donate more than $250, and having contributions boxes at every entry/exit point of an assembly/convention site. The WTS also has a yearly article in the November/December WT telling members how to donate to WTS and avoid taxes.
Here is a quote I found in the December 2003 Kingdom Ministry (publication just for baptized JWs) and other fund solicitations during 2003.
12/03 p. 7 Announcements ***As a reminder to the brothers handling the congregation accounts, donations placed in the boxes for the Worldwide Work and for the Kingdom Hall Fund are to be remitted monthly and should not be used for payment on a Kingdom Hall property loan or for any other congregation expense.
1/03 p. 3 AnnouncementsFor those who wish to make donations to the worldwide work electronically, a set of instructions is available to explain this arrangement. For further information, call or write to Watch Tower, Office of the Secretary and Treasurer, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, New York 11201-2483, (718) 560-5000.
4/03 p. 7 Announcements ***DISTRICT CONVENTION PARKING: At all convention sites where we have secured control of the parking facilities, the spaces will be made available at no charge on a first-come, first-served basis. No parking tickets will be used, but convention badge cards will serve as identification for parking. Only those who have a state-approved disabled license plate or placard will be allowed to park in the parking reserved for the disabled. Being aware that considerable expense is involved, we can show our appreciation by making voluntary contributions to the worldwide work at our Kingdom Hall or at the convention. Any checks contributed at the convention should be made payable to "Watch Tower." Since parking space is usually limited, carpooling should be done to the extent possible rather than having only one or two persons per car. At a few locations, this parking arrangement cannot be fully implemented this year. Congregations affected by any variation in this arrangement will be so advised by their local convention headquarters.
km 5/03 p. 7 Announcements ***Donations made by check and put in the local Kingdom Hall contribution boxes for the worldwide work and the Kingdom Hall Fund should be made payable to "Jehovah?s Witnesses." Donations made by check at district conventions and those sent to the branch office should be made payable to "Watch Tower." The branch office financial address is Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, c/o Office of the Secretary and Treasurer, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483.
9/03 p. 6 Increased Activity at United States Bethel ***Your
Help Is Appreciated! Doubtless, it is the desire of each one of us to support this advancement of Kingdom interests fully. The number volunteering to assist with the construction work will likely exceed 1,000, and their assistance is greatly appreciated. Circumstances may not permit most of us to assist with the actual work, yet we are eager to provide support. How can we do so?
The total cost for the printery addition at Wallkill, including two of the seven new presses and other new production equipment, will likely be $50 million. Where does the money come from to pay for all of it? From voluntary contributions placed in the box marked "Contributions for the Worldwide Work?Matthew 24:14" in every Kingdom Hall, together with donations sent to the branch office by Christians who wish to see the will of God accomplished. Where there has been a need, Jehovah?s loyal servants have always responded generously. For example, in Moses? day, material things were needed to construct the tabernacle with all its glorious attachments and utensils. The privilege of sharing in building the tabernacle went out to all of God?s servants, and they gave according to their ability.?Ex. 35:4-24.
11/03 p. 3 Announcements ***Donations made by check and put in the local Kingdom Hall contribution boxes for the worldwide work and the Kingdom Hall Fund should be made payable to "Jehovah?s Witnesses." Donations made by check at district conventions and those sent to the branch office should be made payable to "Watch Tower." The branch office financial address is Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, c/o Office of the Secretary and Treasurer, 25 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, NY 11201-2483.
Very funny, Galaxy 7.
Maybe we should throw all our money in the air and god can keep what he catches,in his own due time of course
Of course, God doesn?t need money. Only the WTS has that problem. Maybe they should "wait on Jehovah."
Pistoff, you get a G for that talk. Wonderful!
Think about this too, if I can articulate it.
Think of all those that Paul called on the carpet, such as Peter. Except for the circumcision issue, is there any evidence that he ran down to Jerusalem for support first? Look at the issue about whether the resurrection had occurred or not.
I personally feel that he took the circumcision issue down to Jerusalem because it was with the Jewish Christians that the problem originated. He needed those leaders in that community to make the ruling so that all Jewish Christians would fall in line.
I haven?t researched it too deeply but these are my initial thoughts.
Good points, Leiaola,
The sense is that of perseverence and strength, not seeking God's approval through striving in works. This rendering is based on the fact that dokimon "approved" commonly refers to testing through trial, cf.:
Although the WTS wants to apply the verse to almost every area of Christian life, we can see that the immediate context in 2:14-24
only discusses the matter of philosophical discussions and religious controversies that might lead a Christian away form the "word of truth".
I?m starting to appreciate this difference as I read different Bible translations. For years as an active JW, I would combat this thinking of works = salvation. I never taught it to my students and probably would have been considered more of a renegade if it had become known.
Gopher (new father you), Very good application to current KH activities.
Back in the days of King David, people were adversely affected because he made one mistake after another. Actually they weren't mistakes, they were selfish acts.
But no matter, he was the king. And the Hebrew chronicles tell us that he was a man whose heart was acceptable to Jehovah. Never mind the consequences of his acts to the people who served him.
Today, people are adversely affected because the leaders of Jehovah's Witnesses make one mistake after another. Actually they aren't mistakes, they're selfish acts.
However, they're the boss. And the Watchtower tells us that these leaders are acceptable to Jehovah. Never mind the consequences of their acts to the people who are in their organization.
Flash, I think you got it!
This is why they didn't use Jesus as an example. He told it like it was publicly ("hypocrites and white washed graves") and went into the Temple and kicked butt!
I don?t advocate going to the KH and kicking butt (smile), but?.I do think that people should stand up for themselves and not be bullied by the elders/CO/DO/WTS.
How you feeling man? Best be telling your womenfolk. My husband suffered for 3 hours with his heart problem before telling me. After he got better, I ripped him a new one.
David and Peter. Both acted rashly and got themselves in trouble for it. Sad to say if these men were JW's today the WTS would stomp the crap out of them! Unless they were connected, then they would be invited to Bethel!
Or made a circuit or district overseer.
you start reading between the lines of the WT it becomes "oh so obvious" the message they are trying to convey.
Imagine reading between the lines for 10 years and wondering how to leave gracefully.
Flowerpetal, nice to see you here again,
I also have trouble with why the baby between he and Bath-Sheba was killed--I realize that is not a society thing, but a decision made by Jehovah--but I still don't understand it.
I figure the baby was already ill due to natural causes that affect many babies. I think God just chose not to perform a miracle and heal the baby. I think of all the babies that die every day due to illness, defects, lack of food, disease, war, parental abuse, environmental conditions. God does not act to save them. I know some find that heartless, but I don?t see God?s hand causing it. Almost all of those things are caused by humans and they directly or indirectly cause death.
By that time, Saul knew God was no longer with him. It was too bad that Jonathan had to die too.