The husband of a sister attended the Public Talk and the visiting elder came down hard on "unbelievers" and "worldly" people. He spoke about how miserable it is for faithful sisters to be married to such "worldly unbelievers" because they cannot share the same spiritual goals. This man recently had started to attend some meetings because his wife pretty much begged him to. He kind of liked the Witnesses, but not all of them. Still, he tried to keep an open mind. When the visiting speaker heard that he caused great offense to the "worldly unbeliever", he made a phonecall to him to directly apologize. After he went thru his apology (this elder is known to ALWAYS be apologizing for something), he asked the husband if he would accept his apology. The "unbelieving worldly" husband simply answered "No. Because you're an asshole"......Enough said, huh?
Elder Gives Talk About "Unbelievers" & "Unbeliever" Calls Him An "Asshole"
by minimus 31 Replies latest jw friends
ROFL. It's nice to hear that that one occasionally bites them on the ass!!!
Rock on! Its a good thing that happened. I was always paranoid when the overlyrighteous poops got on stage ranting about worldly this and worldly that...I was scared a new one was listening.
They shoot themselves in the ass with coments like that!
New Castles
Unbeliever 1, Elder 0
Allright. The idea of talking about worldly people like that always made me sick to my stomach
Reminds me of that line from Fight Club where 'Jack' was trying to get Marla to go on the bus with this money, and she goes "I'm not paying this back, I consider it asshole tax."
Could be true... I just wouldn't believe everything that you hear in the 3rd party jehovahs witness circle.
At my last circuit assembly, unbelievers were called corpses. If you married an unbeliever, you would be kissing a corpse. I couldn't believe it. After over 45 years of attending WTS conventions, this was the living end. I looked over at a sister whose "unbelleving" husband had come to the assembly because he loved her. I wish I had a picture of their faces to post here. He left after the morning session (1st day) and has not been back since. Another sister's husband who had been faithful over the years in attending (not baptized), rarely comes any more, just for the Memorial. Why bother since the WTS has already pronounced judgment on them.
The idea of talking about worldly people like that always made me sick to my stomach
Me too Castles.
Blondie, I can only imagine...
I was always paranoid when the overlyrighteous poops got on stage ranting about worldly this and worldly that...I was scared a new one was listening.
I know the feeling. I remember feeling that way too. There was always one or two overrighteous elder who would spout off from time to time and I remember looking around hoping that newly interested ones weren't there.
Good for the "unbelieving" husband.
Special K
Special K