Hello, I am intrested in the Jehovah's Witnesses and I was wondering if you guys could answer a few questions. Who do you beleive Jesus is? (fully believe) What do you believe about heaven? What do you believe about the Resurection? How do you feel about the other donominations in Christianity? Thank you for your time.
by Canti 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Hi, and welcome....
I'm sure people on this site can help you with your questions but please keep in mind that most of the posters here are ex-JW's. Most of them have left the religon for one reason or another....or are on the way out.
Again, welcome.
Hi Canti...for the most part the users here are former Jehovahs Witnesses...just so you know Welcome to the forum.
District Overbeer
Hi and welcome Canti,
You will find a number of different views and/or beliefs on this board.
Sorry I won't be of much help though, since my answer to all your questions would amount to "nothing"...
Who do you beleive Jesus is? (fully believe)
Jesus is just God's son, whereas the Governing Body in Brooklyn, NY is the ultimate authority.
What do you believe about heaven?
Only 144000 elite annointed ones get to go there and rule over the rest of us here on Earth. Until that happens, the Governing Body interprets all of the precepts and commandments of God Jehovah.
What do you believe about the Resurection?
You can't be resurrected if you sin against the Holy Spirit, which you can only do by sinning against the Governing Body in Brooklyn, NY.
How do you feel about the other donominations in Christianity?
They are all false prophets and will be destroyed by God because they don't submit to the rule of the Governing Body of Brooklyn, NY.
That about sums it up.
Who do you beleive Jesus is? (fully believe) What do you believe about heaven? What do you believe about the Resurection? How do you feel about the other donominations in Christianity?
Yes, most of us on this site USED to be Jehovah's Witnesses, but I will try and answer your questions as quick and to the point
1: Jehovah's Witnesses believe Jesus Christ to be God's first "born" son. They do not believe in a Trinity or that God and Jesus are the same. They beleive Jesus was an angel named Michael whom God sent to the earth in the form of a human body as a randsom sacrafice for sins so that the Gentiles would have a chance to be "saved" and released from the Mosaic Law the Jews were currently bound to.
2: What do Jehovah-sWitnesses believe about heaven? They believe in a literal Heaven with many different levels to it, not just Angels. They do not believe your soul goes to heaven after death. They believe there is a spirit annointed 144,000 who's spirit goes to heaven after death to reign as Kings and Priests over the earth (kinda funny since they dont believe in souls) There is no sure way to know if you're one of those annointed, you just do. And the Witnesses believe that most have already died and only about 8,000 still remain on the earth today
3: The Ressurection. They believe that it can happen because Jesus ressurected people. Earlier versions of the witnesses beleived in took place in 1918. (correct me if I'm wrong someone). They believe after Armageddon, those whose were faithful Jehovah's Witnesses will be resurrected, and those who didnt know any better would be ressurected to be taught the Jehovah's Witness faith. If you knew the faith while alive and werent baptize then die, you do not have a hope of ressurection and are instead dead forever.
4: How do They feel about other Denominations? Any person who is not of the Jehovah's Witness faith is NOT saved, and worthy of destruction at Armageddon. They do not attend Weddings, or funerals if they are held in any place of worship besides their own.
hope this helps p.s. sorry for any typos, I was in a hurry :)
thanks =) what i meant was the resurection of Jesus body
in a new york bethel minute
thanks =) what i meant was the resurection of Jesus body
they believe that jesus was resurected, not bodily, but as a spirit. and when he returned in 1914, he returned invisibly.
I've always kinda of been confused regarding this. They DO believe that Jesus was ressurected 3 days after his death. I get confused because at his tomb he wasnt recognized, but when Peter didnt believe it was really him the bible says that he put Peters fingers in his wounds. So who knows. Anyway, yes they believe hes ressurected in to some form of a human body, and then disappeared in to the heavens on a cloud in front of witnesses
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