Experiences Dating after leaving.......

by nemo 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • nemo

    I am going to embark on an adventure of dating outside of the JW's, I am currently fading so worried people will see me, but so be it. I have some apprehension just because of all the negetive conitations that exist with worldly people, afraid I will never meet someone outside the organization that could meet my needs. But I am taking a leap of faith and seeing what will happen.

    What were your first experiences dating outside the "Watchtower"

  • blondie

    I married him.


  • nemo

    Wow Blondie, that must have been nice.

  • logansrun

    My first date (ever, JW time included!) came last fall. I asked this cute Claire-Danes sorta lookin' girl out from the school newspaper. I was so sure she'd say no, but she said yes and we kissed until 2 am. We dated for a couple months and then I put the kabosh on the relationship because she was even nuttier than I was. I pulled the trigger too soon. Come back!


  • blondie

    Yes, nemo, I found a good one right off the bat, luck? He was raised right by his non-JW parents to be a loving, caring person.


  • ApagaLaLuz

    Blondie you lucky dog.

    I started to date someone as I was leaving. It didnt work out but our split was mutual, with no hard feelings. I met a couple guys who werent all that great but I didnt get serious. I'd have to say every guy I've dated after leaving have been good, quality guys. I can say I've NEVER dated any real psychos or assholes. Although I've found most "worldly" guys to be "commitmet phobic". I do miss the "old days" sometimes when dating actually had a purpose for eventual marriage and a family, and not just a game to try and get laid.

  • nemo

    Blondie, I couldn't be happier you found a wonderful man.

    Chevy, I would take getting laid right now.

    Logansrun, honey you need another date

  • Obviously Secret
    Obviously Secret

    Oh you poor thing. Well don't fall head over heals with the first guy you see since most guys MOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! guys are jerks... only lookin for a quick fix. So read the dude good and do all ya know whatever. Thing is JW boys are just as bad as real boys so watch out. No real difference, not like ALL "worldly" people aren't spiritual and try not to let the idea of everything outside of the org being unclean goods.

    Hope the best work out for ya, I'm still working on my relationships at the moment also so we already have something in common.

  • kat2u

    The first person I dated after leaving the jws I am still with and it has been over 10 years

  • obiwan

    Sweety, it's a jungle out there.......really. If you were raised a jw, your social skill will be a handicap. I would suggest a "worldly" friend to accompany you on your adventures in huntting out in that jungle. That way you have someone who can help weed out the "losers".

    Happy hunting!!


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