Famous Last Words

by You Know 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • You Know
    You Know
    I'm fooling myself for having worked hard enough to overcome $20,000.00 in credit card debt to the point where I was easily approved for a mortgage last year and have paid off all my bills.

    Yes, it is obvious to me that you are fooling yourself. You really don't have a clue how the world really works. All you can see is your immediate little microsopic world, and what you consider to be your money. Little do you realize that the value of paper that you work so hard to attain is a very fleeting thing. You are oblivious to the fact that your continued prosperity, and even your very life, depends upon a whole lot of things that you have absolutely no control over. Yet you pretend that you know all about these things and that nothing could ever impinge upon your little corner of reality. You, like so many others, are obviously trusting in a delusion. And that's your choice. That was the point of my original post to show just how deluded the supposed people in the know can be. / You Know

  • joelbear

    The only thing more fleeting than paper money is dreaming of a make believe new world that never arrives. That way, you have nothing now and nothing later.

    Live life now. Help others live life now too.



  • Seeker
    You, like so many others, are obviously trusting in a delusion.

    Self-referential irony left as an exercise for the reader.

  • You Know
    You Know
    The only thing more fleeting than paper money is dreaming of a make believe new world that never arrives. That way, you have nothing now and nothing later.

    Wrong. I have plenty of paper now, much more than most people, as well as faith and hope. Paper is just not where I put my trust. Jesus said that the unrighteous riches will fail. He didn't say 'if the fail,' but rather 'when these fail.' That is what is in the process of happening now. / You Know

  • unclebruce

    Gee Youknow, Cyckness is sure getting materialism


    Hey Youknow, it's me unclebruce .. you remmember our deal don't ya? (.. go to heaven, shake hands with the Pastor and the Judge, kill me, a few thousand others, and live happily ever after ;) You ain't a Christian's jock strap YK - Jesus was a communist. Everyone knows Jesus was a poor businessman turning the money tables over and all but he was more than likely an Essene too (Paul says they had 'all things in common' etc..) Jesus certainly wasn't a student of hedonistic materialism.

  • unclebruce

    Hey Cygnus - (i know we clash and stuff but..) Good on ya! I am in the process of clearing my debts to finally be mortgage free - one big problem with us 'raised in it's' is poverty (perhaps that's why YK's obsessed with the stockmarket) - it's great to hear of someone breaking that trap.

    best wishes for a secure future, unclebruce

  • bajarama

    YoU KNoW,

    dOn'T ThEY hAvE A wEb SiTe fOr dOOm SaYeRS lIkE yOUrSelF, sO yOu CaN gO sPew YoUR pSyCho BuLLsHit eLsEWheRE.

    YoUr aS bRIghT As a FlaShLiGhT wITh DeAd BatTerIeS.


  • You Know
    You Know

    Hey Pajama: Why does your post look like a ransom note that kidnappers might paste together from various magazine clippings? Are my "doom" posts starting to unhinge you a little bit? It certainly appears that way. But if my posts upset you why don't you just not read them? I realize that heavy doses of reality can be a bit much for some of your feeble minds, but this is supposed to be a forum for Jehovah's Witnesses to discuss topics like the end of the world isn't it? / You Know

  • Cygnus

    YK, I recently had to fire an employee for stealing from me. We entrusted him with a key to our establishment, and he availed himself of every last dollar we had in petty cash. Our confidence in him was completely ruined, based on one and one act of indiscretion alone.

    You've been squawking about several different ways the world economy will collapse for years now. None of them have happened. Why should I place any confidence whatsoever in anything you have to say now?

    You've been acquainted with me for four years. You know some about my personal life. You are aware of the decisions I've made in my life. In those four years my life has gotten better and better. Except for the stress and strain of running a service-oriented business, I couldn't be happier. I do not worry so much about things I cannot control; however I do look to control every possible aspect of my life as that is my nature. Do you really think I'm oblivious to the way the world works? No, I think that, as common for you, you'd rather call me names than deal with the fact that I've prospered quite well without any Jehovah to help me out.

  • larc

    You Know,

    I asked you this question when you were on this subject before, but you never answered me. What are you doing to insure that your life will be better when these terrible economic times hit us?

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