Suppose for a minute that the Society allowed certain PRO-JW sites to exist as long as they were heavily moderated by "mature ones". What would the site be like? What types of dialogue would exist??.....This should be fun.
What Would a JW Discussion Forum Accepted By The Society Really Be Like?
by minimus 30 Replies latest jw friends
Obviously Secret
Would be "wolves" coming into the chat every second trying to start stuff lol, and the "sheep" will start running away.
Welcome to the Pure Language Network, uh, wait, that won't work. Welcome to JWZone, oh wait, that's no good either. OK OK got it. Welcome to Oh, damnitall. Nevermind. Let's just condemn all Internet activity in the next Watchtower.
It would be exactly like E-Watchman's forum, lame and hokey with way too many emoticon users, but with less tolorance, if you could imagine such a thing.
They would conference on Yahoo with webcams and microphones and sing kingdumb songs before preparing for the watchtower study.
Hey Minimus...
I suppose all conversation would be allowed providing they are paraphrases of the society publications
gespro the amazing, parrot-phrasing, smoking baboon
I think it would not only be controlling, but it would lead to JWs getting much more technical in the way they control people. Could you imagine if there were a JW ISP that filtered AND monitored a user's activities? Any message board in the same vien would have to not only verify thier users, but surely someone would feel obliged to go tot he elders if there was any inapropriate stuff going on...
District Overbeer
You would have to raise your hand before posting.
Perhaps we could make some $$$ with pre-underlined versions of the WT...