I think they are laying the groundwork for such a claim in the future.
I don't believe at all in the 1914 date or their interpretation of the "last generation" - I believe that the "last generation" Jesus spoke of in Matthew was directed to the Jews living at that time. The end of their times (ie: destruction of Jerusalem and end of their world as they knew it) did happen just as he predicted then and within the generation that he was speaking to. It's a prophecy that was already fulfilled 2000 years ago.
It's interesting to re-read Matthew now without the WT twisting of the scriptures - the disciples asked three distinct questions:
1) When will this happen, 2) what will be the sign of your coming, and 3) and of the end of the age?
Jesus answered all three questions - much of chapter 24 covers the signs of the "end of the age" which occured when Jerusalem was destroyed. Reading some history on what happened during the destruction of Jerusalem it was very interesting to me to see how it paralelled what Jesus said - the famine, the wars, those fleeing to Judea - very interesting comparison.
Some of chapter 24 covers question #2 - to distinquish between which is which you need to compare those signs that Jesus spoke of with the signs of Revelation.