The JW's release new brochure...."Keep On The Watch!"

by logansrun 27 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Bubbamar
    To be fair, the phrase "above all else" does not negate other obligations. "Above all else" a parent should provide love for their children, but there are other things a good parent still must do (financial provisions, guidence, etc.) There's nothing inherently wrong with the title.

    I agree, it doesn't negate the other WT Dogma. But come on, "Above All Else, Show Brotherly Love"?? Isn't that actually an oxymoron? What part of shunning and their back woods KH trials have anything to do with brotherly love? If that's brotherly love I'd rather be an only child!

  • blondie

    I ran into a JW that said they were cautioned not to try and read into current political events anything as if they end is near; that the end will come when they least expect it.

    Right...I think too many JWs are trying to predict the end right now. I had one say that we could be in the GT right now and not know it (not official WTS though).


  • xjw_b12

    Well written thread Bradley.

    And I've never seen this before...

    "Keep On The Watch!" with the subtitle, "For What? Why Is It Especially Urgent Now?"

    To which I would like to ask the WTBTS ... "For What? Why Is It Especially Urgent Now?" Can you really answer that question, or am I just supposed to take a guess, based on your hit and miss quoting of scripture with your bullshit innuendo?

  • cyber-sista

    So glad I'm not glad I'm not there. Remember when you got back from the assembly and the first Thursday night meeting when everyone would be saying wasn't that a wonderful assembly and the elder on the platform would say wasn't that a wonderful assembly and we would all dutifully smile and clap and then we he would talk about the new release and then remind us to read it (duh) and then point out the highlights in it by reading the chapter titles (duh) and then say something like how it is a blessing that the Faithful and discreet slave gives us such timely spiritual food and that it is just what we need in this time of the end and I for one would glaze over shut down and deny my absolute boredom and frustration with the mindless drivel but then figure I just needed to study more and pray and go out in service more so I could appreciate the mindless drivel the way all these other people were appreciating the mindless drivel and I know this is a major run on sentence, but that was life as a JW just one big boring run on sentence.

  • codeblue

    Thanks for sharing that info Logan....

    and anyone else who knows the other new releases or drama info...please share!!!


  • logansrun

    The brochure emphasizes that the destruction of Bablyon the Great by the political powers will come when it is least expected; there will be no "warning signs" leading up to the fall and it will be utterly shocking. This is because "God will put it into their [the political powers] hearts" to do such a thing. There are many philosophical and theological problems with such an action on God's part (free will anyone?).

    Is it just me or are the publications getting lamer and lamer?


  • BluesBrother
    similar to all the latest dumbed down publications, ie the "Require" brhure.

    Even my dub relatives will sniff dirisively at the mention of that Require brochure. I was still there when it came out and I resolved never to use it unless to a mentally slow person or one who could not read well. It is embarasingly low key and simple

    What releases did inspire me when I was in?

    The Revelation book with its graphic picures

    The Creation book (Ok I did not know then what I know now, about it being full of miss quotes)

    The Truth book, back in 1968. That was due to the style of release, by a speaker who could really move an audience. "This book is going to revolutionize the preaching work. A six month study programme, there just is not the time in this system for anything more!"...

    Oh yes, I remember it well!......

  • gumby
    there was a re-release Friday of the "Good News for All Nations" booklet with 96 languages in the English edition.

    Let's see if I got this straight. The new brochure tells us that the time is running out for mankind and they will all soon die, and the other New Release tells us there is good news for all mankind. So what's the good news I wonder?


  • trumangirl

    I think they've put in the bit about priests sexually abusing children because dubs will read it and think subconsciously "See, the brothers are against child abuse and cover-ups, they condemn it in other religions, so that means they would do the right thing in those situations, we should trust them ... "

  • anointed64

    Could they place the picture of the cover of the new brochures.

    PLEASE !!!!!


    There is not release of BOOK... video or DVD???

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