Canucks: Cut The Ties To Britain

by RAYZORBLADE 36 Replies latest social current


    For we Canucks, the old ties to Britain still linger, with no benefit whatsoever to us. Time to dump the monarchs/monarchy.

    For pomp and ceremony we parade the royals when they come here, and I don't think...THEY...are paying their way. Hmmm?

    Yes, the French were right. I'm with them, mind you 200+ years later....but good on them.

    What has the queen done for you lately? (thinking...ummm....nada)

    Time for a Canadian as head of state.

    Something to read? Oh sure, here ya go:

    My only ties to Britain: friends, family, business and new found acquaintances; that's way more in synch with our global village. Those ties are more meaningful.

    Time for us Canucks to get with the program with regards to this useless addage on our money, stamps, head of state. We have other Canadian women who need to be recognized (postumously), women who made a difference with regards to Canadian suffrage, and just plain and simple, Canadians that deserve to be on our money, stamps and figure heads etc., it just makes sense.

    When I go to the U.K., I sure as hell don't go there to see the queen/royals....hell no! Besides, I make a bee-line for Scotland, and I don't think the royals are particularly fond of Glasgow for a day outting. I'll skip the royals, thank you. I think the common British folks, are way more interesting.

    Place Agnes MacPhail, Nellie McClung on our money: NOW THAT, would make make sense.

    Head of state: keep it Canadian, plain and simple.


  • ball.

    Funny thing, is I would have said we'll send the queen over and you can keep her. But thinking about it I would miss her at my garden parties. Cucumber sandwiches just wouldn't be the same without her. God save the Queen!

  • DanTheMan

    I don't understand - do some Canadian taxes go directly to the British Crown? Or is Canada somehow under British jurisdiction?

  • Simon

    I say ditch the royals but keep the commonwealth

    Y'know, the only time I have ever seen the queen live (as opposed to embalmed I guess ! ) was in Edmonton at the Commonwealth Games.

    Going back a few years eh?!

  • Englishman

    Well I've invited her to me BBQ.

    She said OK, but only if we're going up the pub afterwards.

    Oh yeah, she said that I could only invite people who liked corgis.


  • ball.

    Mike, I would look out for the govs corgis. They look like the spaniels ears but one of them bastards bit my mates ankle.

  • Simon

    Aren't Corgis what they make those big rotating donner kebab things out of ? (minus the legs obviously ... that would be gross )

    I say "Hoorah" for the Queen if she brings her walking kebabs !

  • ball.

    Blimey God, I thought I was a dog catcher Simon, but that has just put me off.

  • Nosferatu

    Oh yeah, just what we need on our coins, Jean Chretien's head. Yay. He looks MUCH better than a wrinkley old lady.


    Dan: go figure!?

    Good questions.

    Canada is pretty much its OWN country, but it still has some ridiculous vesitiges associated to Great Britain.

    We're NOT 100% free of the monarchy; a dated old-fashioned stoic ancient figurehead.

    What an embarrassment.

    When it comes to things that Canadians HATED: the Queen gave royal ascent. (Conservative GST legislation).

    Geez Liz, thanx!

    In touch with the people?? Are you mad?

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