For we Canucks, the old ties to Britain still linger, with no benefit whatsoever to us. Time to dump the monarchs/monarchy.
For pomp and ceremony we parade the royals when they come here, and I don't think...THEY...are paying their way. Hmmm?
Yes, the French were right. I'm with them, mind you 200+ years later....but good on them.
What has the queen done for you lately? (thinking...ummm....nada)
Time for a Canadian as head of state.
Something to read? Oh sure, here ya go:
My only ties to Britain: friends, family, business and new found acquaintances; that's way more in synch with our global village. Those ties are more meaningful.
Time for us Canucks to get with the program with regards to this useless addage on our money, stamps, head of state. We have other Canadian women who need to be recognized (postumously), women who made a difference with regards to Canadian suffrage, and just plain and simple, Canadians that deserve to be on our money, stamps and figure heads etc., it just makes sense.
When I go to the U.K., I sure as hell don't go there to see the queen/royals....hell no! Besides, I make a bee-line for Scotland, and I don't think the royals are particularly fond of Glasgow for a day outting. I'll skip the royals, thank you. I think the common British folks, are way more interesting.
Place Agnes MacPhail, Nellie McClung on our money: NOW THAT, would make make sense.
Head of state: keep it Canadian, plain and simple.