Canucks: Cut The Ties To Britain

by RAYZORBLADE 36 Replies latest social current

  • Simon

    erm ... the queen gives royal ascent to anything put in front of her - she's like the old biddy at the post-office with a rubber stamp.

    It would be hard to get rid of the queen but otherwise keep the ties to Britain. It would work best if we got rid of the queen


    Thanks Simon!

    I think you'll make a great Canuck subject.

    Royal Ascent: what a crock.....of .

    Liz: time for retirement. Enjoy your non-celtic relatives castles, estates and ill-gotten gains 'kingdoms' etc., (pick your land claim).

  • bull01lay


    the queen gives royal ascent to anything put in front of her - she's like the old biddy at the post-office with a rubber stamp

    LMAO!!! Stoppit, you're killin me now. The mental image that one liner gave me....... That'd be a turnup for the books - going to get you Giro money and having the queen 'ascenting' it!!

    btw, bad news for you guys in Canada... my Mom is coming over there to visit in September - you may wanna lay low for a while while Uber Sister is around!! Expect governments to fall, economies to collapse, 99% population conversion to the 'strewth... and empty cake shops!!


  • Max Divergent
    Max Divergent

    What ties remain in Canada? In Australia all formal ties were cut in 1986 with the Australia Acts which introduced the neat trick of creating the post of Queen of Australia... so, it's the Queen of Australia whom the Governer-General represents, not the Queen of England... It's the QofA on coins, not QofE...

    But I still don't get why she's called Queen Elizabeth II of Australia, when she's the only one to have ever held that post... Mmmm....

    Appeals to the Privy Council went at the same time, and there's no other formal link left. I wonder if the British will start charging royalties for the design in the top left of our flag???



    Hey Max, that was an interesting post, especially with regards to our buddies down in Australia.

    Canada's constitution was repatriated in 1982.

    We have had our own flag, free of the union jack, since 1965.

    We have our own national anthem, but the figurehead of the queen still exists (embarrassingly) to this day.

    Time for a change. Time for Canada to get with the program.

    Eliminate the governor-general. Waste of precious Canuck dollars.

    Canada should have a Canadian head-of-state. Plain and simple.

    The French had it right.

  • Simon

    Yeah, but not the French Candians ... independance? Pah !

    I liked the joke one tour guide told us: the 1 dollar coin is called a "looney" because it has a bird (loon) on it. The two dollar coin is called a "tooney" (two-ney) but it should really be called a "mooney" because it has the queen's face on one side with a bear behind


    French Canadians.

    Eliminate the dame from England.

    I'll bet you any currency, our fellow French Canadians, will quieten down as soon as that division of pomp and ceremony bites the dust.

    Makes perfect sense to me.

    Pierre E. Trudeau performing the best move behind the queen's back several years back: good on ya Pierre! Thumbing our noses at the monarchy since 1968.

    Won't be happy until a 'Real' Canadian is head of state, and even better: a Canadian woman on our money; someone who did something for women, our citizens, the country. Liz? I don't think so.

    Until then, our $20 note is a joke; our reverse side of our coins, even worse.

  • Simon
    Until then, our $20 note is a joke; our reverse side of our coins, even worse.

    You don't like bears?!


    Bears are one thing Simon. in revealing, Liz doesn't quite cut it..ya know what I mean?

  • mouthy

    Oh yeah, just what we need on our coins, ......... Yay. He looks MUCH better than a wrinkley old lady.(Quoted above) Well !!! What a nerve???? SOME wrinkley old ladies take offense!!!!!!!! ( kidding of course--how I wished I looked as good as the Queen- she is my age I think!!! I notice she is STILL walking in high heels!!!! Hey !! at that age I think it is a mighty feat! I bet she wishes she had NOT been born a Royal. I wouldnt want her life for anymoney .

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