Impressions of a Fest-goer...

by LittleToe 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • LittleToe

    I'll post a little later about my trip (beacuse I'm still exhausted) but meanwhile let me just post a few random thoughts about some of the folks I met (and apologies, in advance, for anyone that I may inadvertantly miss).
    I really didn't get time to speak to any one person for anywhere near as long as I'd have liked, but then I get that the feeling that a lifetime wouldn't be long enough...

    First, may I say, I missed the presence of ConcernedLawyer, Czar, Czarina, Sheila, Thunderrider, XW, Onacruise and Bikerchic (the latter two, of whom, had already intimated that they would be unable to attend).


    A real star, this one. Kind, generous and sensitive.

    Country Girl & Rat

    Ok, I admit it, I'm impressed by a good tan! LOL


    This guy patied like it was going out of fashion. I have nothing but good to say about the lad. The Chilli was great and the Stetson was a bonus

    Rabbit & Wife

    What a lovely couple (even if Nova packs a pinch worthy of Valis!).


    A card-shark, if ever there was one, and he does an incredible El Cid impression (it was El Cid, right?? LOL)

    Big Tex & Nina

    A big-hearted couple, as ever, with a dog obsession

    Billygoat & Mozzer4life

    FINALLY we got to meet. I have to agree with everyone else, now (and I'm not generally a "follower") but you ARE a cute couple - LOL.


    This one (IMHO) suffered from "first-fest" syndrome, which usually consists of obsrving everyone and trying to work out the group dynamic. A combination of shrewdness with a touch of Fiestiness. I like!


    What this guy doesn't know about Britain probably isn't worth knowing. It's interesting to hear about your own country from another source.

    Bryan & Wife

    Very congenial, but overshadowed by the gorgeous French wife, who Valis inadvertantly snubbed - LOL.


    Yes, he made it!!! And the "Master of Fridgaster" came up with the best banner and fridge magnets ever. This guy has talent.


    The man doesn't change, and he likes Haggis, so it's all good!


    This girl is beautiful. I heard a few comment that she didn't seem as "angry" as she comes across on the board, and it was true. She's absolutely lovely.

    A b*st*rd, if ever there was one.
    He looks a lot younger than I expected, too

    Ah, the delightful, delicious, and disastrously devilish Jojo.
    Sadly, we never did find the roof, but the end of a Renaissence Festival in the rain was pretty sweet.

    Junction Guy & Fam
    Sadly we only really got a chance to meet. He seemed a jovial chap, though. I'm glad he made it.


    Ah, this guy could double for my wee brother. Just keep him away from shoes and ceiling fans, and it'll be ok!


    My brain hurts...


    Another quiet one


    I started reading that book, thankyou. So far I find it very agreeable.

    Princess & Steve

    Ah, not just a masochistic runner, but has come-to-bed-eyes, too.
    Meanwhile, Steve just chuckles from the background, likely because he knows that he's taking her home at night.
    Steve has the bearing of one "raised to be an Elder", but when he starts talking you realise that he's left it all far behind.

    Shotgun & Winston

    These came as a couple, right?
    What a fun couple they were!!!
    I thought I used to have the award for laughing the most, but I think these guys pipped me at the post.


    Does he ever put the camera down? Hehehe


    The usual twinkle in the eye was present and correct!


    A gent, as usual. I got a head rush, I was laughing so much!

    Valis & CSG

    The lobster (nip-aholic) and Betty Page.
    Gawd, she's something else. She cooked some wonderful food, for hours on end, and then started rolling-up. This is a true Prov.31 woman - LOL.

    WildTurkey & Lyineyes

    A guy whose laugh can be heard a block away, and a gal who's beauty can be seen clear across the city.


    Ah, last but most certainly not least. Beauty and intellect. What a deadly combination...
  • reboot

    Glad you're back safely LT and you all had such a great time.....that's what I like to, ' must try harder ' and ' needs improvement '.... just glowing reports all round

  • LittleToe

    It's been said so many times, but the WTS are losing their best.

    Read it and weep, Witchtower...

  • Stefanie

    I saw the pics and you are soo cute.

  • logansrun

    I just wish I could have had some of those cookies.


  • Rabbit

    Ross !

    I was wondering when we would hear from you fella !

    I think everybody had to take a rest, especially you, having come the furtherest of all. Me and Nova really enjoyed meeting you. You are just the kind gentle man I expected, only even more soft spoken.

    And yes Mrs. Rabbit had a hard time keeping her hands off your bum in that kilt ! I thought it was funny, too.

    It was great meeting you and everyone else there, it was quite moving for me to see the freedom we all have been finding with our kinship.

    As you said at Sonny Bryan's BBQ, while standing on the chair .....

    Freedom, Freedom...Freedom !

  • Princess

    I was wondering when you were going to resurface! Be sure to PM me your email so I can hook you up with all the 'fest pics we took.


    Ah, this guy could double for my wee brother. Just keep him away from shoes and ceiling fans, and it'll be ok!

    LOL, that still cracks me up every time I think about it.

    I just wish I could have had some of those cookies.

    You didn't need any...see above! Hey man, next time we'll bring more! Or, make your way to a Pac NW fest and eat your fill!

    Ross, I'm glad I finally was able to meet and spend some time chatting with you. Hope to do it again.

    I think you summed Steve up pretty well too.


  • Xena

    It was nice seeing you again LT ya bonnie scottish laddie

    Hey bradley...I got the last cookie and split it with FMZ

  • Shutterbug

    Ross, I could not bring myself to eat your haggis, but will the next time, even if it kills me.

    No, I don't put that camera down. It is a hobby, wife says it's an addiction, but what does she know.

    Come back soon. Bug

  • gumby

    Since the day I met littletoe I've decided to become a gay man.....he has the nicest butt for a guy I tell ya!

    Hey was a pleasure meeting you and seeing the big smile of yours I've heard about so many times from others. Your a true gentleman and a heck of a nice guy. Perhaps next fest we can talk more ......if we can keep from spending all our time looking at rachel and that toned bod of hers

    Steve......that lucky ol' bastard!

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