I'll post a little later about my trip (beacuse I'm still exhausted) but meanwhile let me just post a few random thoughts about some of the folks I met (and apologies, in advance, for anyone that I may inadvertantly miss).
I really didn't get time to speak to any one person for anywhere near as long as I'd have liked, but then I get that the feeling that a lifetime wouldn't be long enough...
First, may I say, I missed the presence of ConcernedLawyer, Czar, Czarina, Sheila, Thunderrider, XW, Onacruise and Bikerchic (the latter two, of whom, had already intimated that they would be unable to attend).
Arrowstar |
A real star, this one. Kind, generous and sensitive. Country Girl & Rat |
Ok, I admit it, I'm impressed by a good tan! LOL FMZ |
This guy patied like it was going out of fashion. I have nothing but good to say about the lad. The Chilli was great and the Stetson was a bonus |
Rabbit & Wife |
What a lovely couple (even if Nova packs a pinch worthy of Valis!). Badger |
A card-shark, if ever there was one, and he does an incredible El Cid impression (it was El Cid, right?? LOL) Big Tex & Nina |
A big-hearted couple, as ever, with a dog obsession Billygoat & Mozzer4life |
FINALLY we got to meet. I have to agree with everyone else, now (and I'm not generally a "follower") but you ARE a cute couple - LOL. Bisous |
This one (IMHO) suffered from "first-fest" syndrome, which usually consists of obsrving everyone and trying to work out the group dynamic. A combination of shrewdness with a touch of Fiestiness. I like! Blueyes |
What this guy doesn't know about Britain probably isn't worth knowing. It's interesting to hear about your own country from another source. Bryan & Wife |
Very congenial, but overshadowed by the gorgeous French wife, who Valis inadvertantly snubbed - LOL. DFWnonJW |
Yes, he made it!!! And the "Master of Fridgaster" came up with the best banner and fridge magnets ever. This guy has talent. Elsewhere |
The man doesn't change, and he likes Haggis, so it's all good! Flower |
This girl is beautiful. I heard a few comment that she didn't seem as "angry" as she comes across on the board, and it was true. She's absolutely lovely. Gumby |
JoannaDandy |
Ah, this guy could double for my wee brother. Just keep him away from shoes and ceiling fans, and it'll be ok! Megadude |
My brain hurts... Moreisbetter |
Another quiet one Navigator |
I started reading that book, thankyou. So far I find it very agreeable. Princess & Steve |
Ah, not just a masochistic runner, but has come-to-bed-eyes, too. Shotgun & Winston |
These came as a couple, right? Shutterbug |
Does he ever put the camera down? Hehehe Sixofnine |
The usual twinkle in the eye was present and correct! Slipnslidemaster |
A gent, as usual. I got a head rush, I was laughing so much! Valis & CSG |
The lobster (nip-aholic) and Betty Page. WildTurkey & Lyineyes |
A guy whose laugh can be heard a block away, and a gal who's beauty can be seen clear across the city. |
Xena |