Impressions of a Fest-goer...

by LittleToe 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Rabbit

    Thanks to you... Country Girl for taking the time and having the love and humor and ability to write that poem !

    BTW, Mrs. Rabbit is doing a lot better...that slip twisted her knee, even more than the ankle. So far, we don't think we'll have to take it to the Doc.

    Loved talking to ya', you have pretty and sincere eyes...I like that!

    the Wabbit's

  • Badger

    <Checks backside for hair>

    I usually sleep on my ample gut, anyhoo.

    LT...It was epic to meet you...I can't wait for the next fest!

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl


    You are a very special person, and so is Mrs. Rabbit. I felt very bad when she hurt her foot, cuz I can understand. You are a very unique and special person, and she obviously married someone who was close to her. I want to say that you are one of the very special persons I met that was very close to me and Mrs. Rabbit was such a lovely person... I hope that I see you guys again.


  • Country Girl
    Country Girl


    How could I *not* look? How could ANYONE not look? You have a very beautiful and fit body!


  • LittleToe

    Ok, I 'fess up. I looked too

    Nice poem, you captured a good number of the repeatable events in that one.
    As for the others, apparently what happens in Dallas stays in Dallas

    If I weren't so darned tired, I'd post my version of the events, but it's impairing my recall (at least I think it's down to the tiredness ). Hopefully I'll get around to that tomorrow.

  • arrowstar

    Ross -

    I'm glad to know you made it safely home. What a pleasure to finally get to meet you and to all too briefly spend some time with you. You are a gentle soul with a good heart.

    CG -

    I love the poem. Thank you.


  • slipnslidemaster

    I'm STILL laughing...

    p.s. I looked too...

  • xenawarrior

    Thank you Ross !! I missed seeing you and everyone too !! I loved seeing the pics of everyone's smiles !! Just think though- it was much more quiet

    Glad you had a great time and made it home safely!!


  • LittleToe

    Having half recouperated, I've remembered a few more - it was a foregone conclusion, wasn't it?

    Jade & FamilyI enjoyed having breakfast with you guys. It was lovely to meet again.

    Jst2Laws & Family
    So little to say that hasn't been already said in the past. You know I love you guys.

    Yet another quiet one - hehehe

    Wild, by name, wild by nature. Shame we didn't meet earlier in the day at the Rennaisence Festival.

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