I wrote this poem about the weekend. It's kinda stupid.. but at least it rhymes... heheheh. Rat hates when I write poetry, cuz I'm OCD and everythign has to rhyme.. so forgive some off beat combinations.. but I tried to include everyone. If I missed anyone.. I'm so sorry. I thought about all of you when I wrote this and how much this weekend meant to me. I have to say.. Paul and Mark.. you guys are so great.. and yer wives don't even KNOW how lucky they are. If I forgot ANYONE I am so sorry...
There once was some sick bastids online,
Who gave each other a long, good, hard time
They joyously gathered
In a place they call Dallas,
Paying homage to another sick bastid named Valis.
Valis was known as District Overbeer,
Fierce pincers that caused justifiable fear.
The Sick Bastids around him, their glasses did raise,
In anticipation of the hell they would raise.
Room to room they went with unhindered glee,
Merrily tasting each other?s drinks and chili.
The chili was hot, but so were the broads,
They gave thanks for the blessings from
Various Gods.
"Gumbastid, drink this tequila!" Valis wryly said,
So he drank it and soon wished that he was dead.
He chunked his groceries, with eloquent grace,
Then rose up and smiled and wiped his face.
Shotgun and Winston shared a room with two cots,
But only one was used: cuz they had the hots.
They came down to breakfast unusually late,
And Shotgun smiled proudly with a ring and a date.
Poor Bradley bewailed his dire need for a dame,
And analyzed to death his lack of the same.
CG offered her sister with grave hesitation,
And Bradley salivated in amorous elation.
Ms. Dandy was Dandy and sharp as a tack,
While she yakked up a storm, Badger slept on his back.
He was quite content to doze peacefully in the hall,
Or knock out some Z?s wherever he should fall.
The Princess and Steve were a wonderful couple,
And Princess? fair booty was soft and supple.
They didn?t seem pained while joined at the hip,
I sure wouldn?t give that big Steve guy no lip!
Little Toe looked mahvelous in his checkered frock,
He?d even look better if dressed as a jock!
His knee socks and shoes were just the right touch,
Although the purse at the waist was just a bit much!
Firewild, I mean Wildfire, flitted happily about,
Glad to be with new friends, of that there?s no doubt.
Blonde hair a blazin?, telling jokes and such,
We both lost our voices from yakkin too much!
Then there was wild turkey, and accomplice lyin eyes,
Still keeping their eyes on the wonderful prize.
Which might be a beer, or a neck to squeeze,
Lyin Eyes was just as cute as bee?s knees!
Cruzanheart and Big Tex are so filled with love,
Truly a blessing from high up above!
Their smiles and compassion know no earthly bound,
More cherished friends could never be found.
NotYetPerfect was lovely and caused quite a stir,
Most of the weekend she saw go by in a blur,
Fun and full of life, she?s a lovely little tart,
And gets around via the hotel baggage cart.
NYP?s sister in law, a couple times removed,
Came to the party and grinned and grooved.
She looks a little bit like Monica Lewinsky,
But moves with the grace of Tara Lupinsky.
Junction Guy brought his Tennessee clan,
Nice as all get out, a true family man.
His brother was sweet, his wife a real gem,
I think I?m going to really miss all of them.
Billygoat and Mozzer well what can I say?
Salt of the Earth, and true as the day.
So in love with each other, so very fine,
Each day with each other, they find divine.
Arrowstar my beauty, my sweet-hearted friend,
You are such a wonderful Godsend.
Your eyes are as blue as that big Texas sky,
Your heart is as big as the clouds are high.
FMZ, our wild Missouri transplant,
For you I?m sure the single girls pant.
We invaded your room and took up your space,
With bodies and beer cans all over the place!
I?m sure it sent you rockin and reeling,
To find your underwear up on the ceiling!
You had to put up with Gumbo all night,
I sympathized with your perilous plight.
Flower from South Jersey you?re one fun dame,
Listening to Gumbo?s jokes, which were lame.
You frolicked on the stairs at the BBQ place,
That look of mischief all over your face.
Elsewhere, smiling, sat on the step below,
Pinned by your knees, he was glad to know.
Creating a fire hazard was his game,
That Elsewhere just has no shame!
My sweet little Rabbit and his wife Nova,
Truly a pleasure to meet
Even though Nova can?t walk down the stairs,
And stay right up on her feet.