What Was Your Opinion Of Ronald Reagan???

by minimus 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • ApagaLaLuz
    Reagan was a pimp!

    Or yah, that too :)

  • imallgrowedup

    I consider him to be one of the greatest Presidents who ever lived. I am amazed at how he was able to facilitate the crumbling of the Berlin wall/iron curtain, and how he helped bring our nation out of double-digit inflation that plagued the presidency of his predecessor. I loved his wit, and his easy-going charm. We were very lucky to have this man serve our nation, (and my State, as well!).


  • freedom96

    I liked him a lot. Was in high school most of his time as President, but have gotten to know more of what he did later, and though he was not perfect, I think he was a great man.

  • minimus

    I always liked Reagan. He was a LEADER. He chose good men to delegate authority to.

  • Mulan

    He was probably an okay President, but I remember inflation was out of control. We bought our house during the Carter years, for 8% interest. A few years later, under Reagan, the interest rates on homes was about 14-18%. Was that his fault, or Republican politics? Who can say?

    Two years ago, under Bushie boy, we refinanced for 5%, so who can figure?

    I was a stanch JW back then so don't remember if I liked his politics or not.

  • minimus

    Carter's administration saddled us with these problems.

  • blondie
    C-SPAN Survey
    of Presidential Leadership

    Ronald Reagan
    Historian Survey Results
    Categories Final Score Category Ranking
    Public Persuasion 91.4 4
    Crisis Leadership 63.2 15
    Economic Management 48.1 21
    Moral Authority 70.0 11
    International Relations 68.6 14
    Administrative Skills 43.2 32
    Relations with Congress 63.5 8
    Vision / Setting an Agenda 77.0 8
    Pursued Equal Justice For All 41.8 25
    Performance Within Context of Times 66.8 12


    I think this is a fair assessment of his impact to date. What the future holds only time will tell.



  • wednesday

    The 80's were some hard times for us, several bouts with unemployment, but anyone beat Carter. Reagan was pleasant , but i was very much a jws at the time so had little involment with politics. My dad always said the democrats looked out for the little guys and Republicans were for big business. (my dad would be a republican now, if he were here) My dad made a lot of lmoney during the 80's. I remember the incident were it was revealed to us that nancy Reagan consulted astrologers and many thought she had a lot ot do with running the country. Saturday night live had a lot of fun with Reagan, protraying him as a forgetful bumbler. So, it was some good times, and some bad times.

  • Corvin

    I remember when Reagan was the Gov of California. My gramma use to call him "that ol' Reaglin" with a loathsome tone. She died a few years before Regan took the White House but would sometimes do a bit of prophesying saying, "If that ol' Reaglin takes office we can be sure Armegeddon will come before his term is over."

    You can imagine my apprehension and worry when the man did take office. This is sad but, I was relieved when he was shot. I was in the 8th grade and thought that since he was shot, maybe he would die and Armegeddon would not come so soon. Everything was so scarey to me because of the JW doctrine.

    Looking back, I am actually very fond of the man. He was warm and kind and had a great sense of humor. He was the last president from a really cool era of men. I think he did a fine job as president, not withstanding the usual political wrangling and maneuvering all leaders must be a part of . . . it's just the nature of the beast. I miss him.


  • minimus

    A lot of people were afraid of Reagan. During the 80's, all the EndTime prophecies started being considered and Reagan was factored in to be part of Bible prophecy.

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