What Was Your Opinion Of Ronald Reagan???

by minimus 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • TresHappy

    Definitely a class act, and an overall effective president. He will be missed...

    (Has anyone heard about putting him as the fifth president on Mount Rushmore?)

  • Badger

    ...I'm for it...as long as Clinton or FDR is six...

  • Yerusalyim


    I heard about it, but doubt it will happen. I wouldn't be suprised to see his face on some coinage though. Hey, in lew of Clinton on Mount Rushmore can we just put him on a milk carton?

  • Corvin

    liberal vs conservative . . .

    I am neither republican nor democrat. I don't even vote, but I am thinking of registering this time around.

    I think labelling myself one or the other, lib or con, would limit me in my beliefs and viewpoints. There are some things on both sides I simply cannot jump on board with. Whether I vote repub or demo, it will simply be a matter of voting for the lessor of the two evils . . . or with regards to this election, two idiots.


  • imallgrowedup

    Dan -

    I'm not sure whether I agree or disagree, I think it's too soon to judge.

    With all due respect, the man has been out of office for 16 years! How much time do you need?!

    Just wondering....


  • Pinned Blouse
    Pinned Blouse

    Was he the president repsonsible for "gubbment cheese?" If he was, then I liked him.


  • minimus

    I think that program was a 60's thing maybe under Johnson.

  • Badger
    With all due respect, the man has been out of office for 16 years! How much time do you need?!

    If that's the case then...

    He's not good enough to get on a coin, bill or statue. A stamp, sure...they let Nixon on a stamp.

    Badger, a real live historian.

  • Stefanie
    Was he the president repsonsible for "gubbment cheese?" If he was, then I liked him.

    PB lol That was funny!

  • DanTheMan


    Historians are still debating about various Caesars of Rome, as to whether or not they were good or bad guys. 16 years is nothing on a historical scale. For all we know Reagans presidency may have sowed the seeds of our eventual collapse as a superpower. Perhaps such a vigorous policy of bankrupting the USSR will eventually be judged by history as being foolish. I'm not saying that because I believe that, I'm saying that because who knows what the next 100 years will bring, and who knows how far-reaching the effects of the Reagan presidency will be, and who knows how historians will view Ronnie 100 years from now. I think he was just OK, not the messianic figure that some conservatives make him out to be.

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