For skeptics, true believers and people like me....
I have heard or read, on this forum and in other mediums, of people who claim to have had experiences that can only be described as "ecstatic, mystical, spiritual, supernatural" etc. They all claim that the experience was real, in fact, more real than reality itself. Sometimes these experiences involve a subtle, yet powerful, "still small voice" which is often interpreted as the voice of God. Others sense a oneness with the universe and experience feelings of bliss. Others have much more sensationalistic experiences: actually hearing voices, violent shaking of the body, seeing visions, glossolating, etc. All swear that their experience was real.
But there's a big problem: Many of the experiences contradict each other. Some experiences are frightening, others warm and inviting. Some feel a oneness with Jesus Christ, others the Buddha, others the Universe, others with Who Knows. Let me summarize a story I heard in a lecture on philosophy of religion:
There was a Christian minister who was mentoring an orphaned, young teenage boy. The two had drawn very close to one another and a true freindship was forming. The minister helped the young boy get a purpose in life and "clean up his act" so to speak.
One day the boy was playing around some machinary in the family's shed and accidentally, tragically was burned horribly. He was rushed to the hospital and had asked for the minister he had formed a friendship with to come by. The minister was called and entered the room. Devastated at the site of the permanantly disfigured boy, the man started praying. After a few minutes, the minister could not take the pain any longer and ran out of the hospital room all the way to his house. There he got down on his knees and prayed with the utmost intensity, saying aloud:
"Oh God! Oh dear Jesus God, please let the fire in Hell not be a literal fire!"
At this point the man said he felt a hand at his back and heard a voice which said, "I'm sorry Bob, but that's just the way it is."
The above account was related as a first-hand religious experience with the utmost conviction. The minister from that day forward felt a fire (no pun intended) to minister to people so as to save them from what he KNOWS is the literal, flesh-burning fire of Hell.
Needless to say this account does not correspond with the vivid experiences of others who claim a more loving God. (Hi Ross)
What is one to make of all of this? If everyone who experienced a mystical and/or supernatural phenomenon in their lives described the same thing, then that would add a lot of validity to what they are saying. It would be as if an experiment were repeated over and over again and the results turned out the same. But that does not happen. The experiences are varied. The man who claimed an insight that Hell was literal would scoff at the insights of people who experienced a different Jesus (or Buddha, or Kandalini).