I don't know if you misunderstood, or I did. But my comments were based on my interpretation of what Bradley presented, as I have since elaborated on.
As for your being a "bad person", who of us is able to make that kinda call?
Not I, for sure (besides, my theology has us judging ourselves... you "feel" bad?)
As for your theology of "Hell", that sounds very humanistic, however that may or may not have any bearing on what may or may not actually be
(I'm trying to get a "confusing" vote, in that other thread - so far I only have one sympathy vote from Biscuits - Hehehe)
This isn't the thread for such a debate (and I know it's been done to death (escuse the pun) on other threads) but there's a great variety in concepts of "Hell". There are as many opinions on as many aspects of things (especially theology) as there are asshole. It seems that everyone has one (my own being the "outer darkness" model).
In the case of the guy in question, it seems reasonable to conclude that he believed in the fiery variety, which gave great impetus to his consequent "mission" to "help" people.
As I mentioned before, I'd be interested to know what his attitude to this would have been prior to these events, since he certainly appears to apply himself to it afterwards.
PS My opinions on "personal judgement" and "Hell" are based primarily on John 3:17-21.