WT Farm closing; also Largest WT press moving to Canada

by Quotes 37 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Quotes

    Sorry if this is old news; but in case it is new, uh, News....

    I just got off the phone with my Mum. She said that a 2nd cousin, who works in New York Bethel, is coming to Canada Bethel for about three months, as part of the move of their largest print press to Bethel Canada.

    I know that the sale of Furman St. is old news; but I didn't know that one of the presses (the largest, the Big Boy, the Hummer of the printing world) is moving to Canada.

    Also, the same source said that Bethel is selling WT Farms (Walkill). Patterson remains unaffected by all this.

    Is this old news? Can anyone confirm?

    ~Quotes, of the "outsourcing jobs to North of the 49th parallel" class

  • Special K
    Special K

    Well hell nobody asked me if I wanted their freakin printing press here in Canada. More of our trees shredded and turned into toilet paper. ..


  • Nosferatu

    That's actually quite interesting. The official "headquarters" is getting smaller, but it's spreading out.

  • Jim_TX

    Just keep in mind...

    ...anything they do... they do for money.

    The reason the are moving may be to avoid paying taxes here in the states... on something.

    Money is always behind it.


    Jim TX

  • logansrun


    ...anything they do... they do for money.

    The reason the are moving may be to avoid paying taxes here in the states... on something.

    Money is always behind it.

    Well to be fair, isn't keeping expenses to a minimum how every sensible corporation -- profit or nonprofit -- is going to act? I don't see anything nefarious in relocating. Nothing at all.


  • Jim_TX

    "...isn't keeping expenses to a minimum how every sensible corporation -- profit or nonprofit -- is going to act?"

    True, Bradley, but... I remember a couple of times in the past when they 're-organized'... they never really tell the masses that it is to avoid paying taxes (or to confuse any potential litigation, by creating so many organizations). They always portray it as a 'furthering the kingdom work' type of scenario. Deceptive, if you ask me... like many of their other practices.

    Perhaps I am not as gullible as I used to be when I was a JW - and question everything now. You are entitled to your opinions, Bradley.


    Jim TX

  • garybuss

    Here are 2004 pictures of new building being built at Wallkill and presses being installed there,

    Here is the main site url . . .


  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    If they close the Walkill facility what landmark will I explain to all of you where in Upstate New York I live?

    I hungry, think I'll get me some pretzel, chip, cheese doodle, tortilla chip mix

  • Euphemism

    As Gary pointed out, they just built a whole new facility at Walkill. I find it very hard to believe that they'd be closing it.

    I think your source must have their wires crossed, Quotes.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    What about all the brothers and sisters that have spent all their lives in Bethel and now have to get out and find real jobs? Will they be afforded retraining skills to help find new jobs? What if they are too old? What type of pensions will they have to support them with? I remember someone saying how Ray Franz after 50 or 60 years in the full time service work was given a few thousand dollars when he was kicked out of bethel.


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