Danish accuser admits it was all just lies!
by TheOldHippie 26 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
I don't know about this case either, but in reading about the subject I learned that pedophiles often use codes phrases and such to identify each other. These are often phrases learned through internet porn groups and books for pedophiles. They watch for other men (mostly men) that seem to be alone at ball games and childrens events.
But there are signs we can watch for too. I don't advocate being paranoid, but I know all too well how cautious we need to be. Keep an eye on people that show up to skating rinks, and little league games alone, especially if they are there repeatedly. Watch for those adults that seem to pay extra attention to kids and always have kids around. Now, that doesn't mean that they are a pedophile, but if you notice them going off alone with children or placing unrelated children on their laps maybe it's time to step in. I wish that someone had done that for me. All the signs were there. I mean really, time after time would the adult male ministerial servant (and later elder, but not in my hall) take me to go "on service calls" with him alone. Not one other witness at the field service meeting ever stepped in or even told my parents. In fact my mother knew I spent time alone with him and she NEVER suspected anything. In fact, I was even allowed to spend nights out of town with this "brother" because his wife and little girl were there. Mind you his little girl was several years younger than I never spent time with her. She was usually at school ( I was home schooled at the time) or off with her little friends. My daughter is the age I was then and if there was a guy putting that kind of interest in her I would probably shoot first and ask questions later.
Lets just not forget, whether this case is true or not, it does happen. Mostly by just one man but sometimes it has been by multiple abusers.....
Hello There Oldhippie
Indeed we are quick to bring these news. Why do you try to portray those who fight to protect the children from the Watchtower as dishonest?
Here is the article translated to English. It will indeed be reported on the Silebtlambs site.
If there are any delays, it is because of me, as I haven't had time to monitor Ekstra Bladet the last weeks.
Bill doesn't speak Danish so he has to rely on me to translate it all for him. I have now translated this one and e-mailed it to him.You know as well as I do that the way the WTS are handling pedophilia is very shameful indeed and this sad story will do nothing to change that fact. No ne has to try to make that fact any worse. No one has to lie to make that any blacker. Reality is more then enough. Anyway folks, enjoy:
I lied about Jehovah sex
23 year old woman avoid slander charges from the sectBy Niels Westberg - 10:15 - 11. jun. 2004
Confronted with the risk of slander charges from the immensly rich Jehovah-sect the 23 year old Miriam Poulsen from the Faroe Islands suddenly has withdrawn her story about sex-abuse.On April 29th the young woman told her story to Ekstra Bladet, that she as 12 years old had been subjected to sexual advances from a so called ?elder? in Jehovah's Witnesses in Thorshavn.
The sexual advances had allegedly happened while Miriam prepared for her baptism which was done in a basement under the Jehovah-sects kindom hall.
In this connection Miriam told about other girls in the sect who also had told her about sex abuse from men in the sect. All the girls were ashamed and feared reprisals, if they told their parents.
But all of this is lies and fabrications, she now says, and she has had to sign a declaration to Jehovah's Witnesses ? in order to avoid prosecution.
?Pure fabrication?
In the declaration from May 28, Miriam has undersigned that her story to Ekstra Bladet was ?pure fabrication? and that she has told the same to the Thorshavn police.
Chief of the Crime squad Bergleif Brimvik can not confirm this however, but he says that after having interviewed Miriam Poulsen don?t have reason to pursue the 10 year old case.
The sects spokesman in Thorshavn, Otniel Nygaard denied on Faroe Radio on May 29 that Miriam was threatened to withdraw her accusations.
- We have had no contact with her. It is our lawyer who has handled it, says the Jehovah spokesman.
- And he didn?t make any threats?
- No, we have only considered prosecuting for libel, says the spokesman in the radio interview.
Miriam Poulsen has gone ?underground? for a long time now says her friends, and Ekstra Bladet has been unable to get in contact with her for a month.- That?s why we have to accept her personal written retraction of the story. If the whole thing was ?pure fabrication? we regret that we have passed on the detailed story, says Chief editor of Ekstra Bladet Bengt Falbert.
- We were in good faith. It was Miriam herself that came to us, and we had absolutely no reason to believe she was lying.
WT Henchmen Attack Abuse Survivor! How would you describe evil? Watchtower Henchmen attack Abuse Survivor! Drives victim into hiding Just when you think they cannot sink to a lower level you can depend on the governing body to do just that. A little over a month ago an abuse survivor in -
I got an email from Bill about this woman. She has done some damaging work for the Silent Lambs. I wonder if she talked about this with Bill or with her lawyer at all before she signed the document saying that she was lying. Now she is saying that she was forced to retreive whatever she said about her abuse. I don't think many people would believe her anymore. Even I doubt her credibility.
Hi all
Is there some one that can post the article from Silentlambs?, i couldnt do it.
Hi sunshine
Its so clear that this young women Miriam Poulsen, was threaten into silent by the WT lawyer.
And its sad she didnt talk to a laywer before she sign the paper from the WT lawyer.
She was intimidated by Watchtower attorneys to recant what she had said = coersion. This makes Watchtower all the more reprehensible for its bullying victims to try to shut them up.