What Type Of Jehovah's Witness Were You, REALLY???

by minimus 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tashawaa
    The idealists, when they realize it, are the ones that, once they get out, stay out!!!

    I'm sooooo happy I'm out. The "world" is NOTHING like I was lead to believe. I remember some of my past thought-processes, and it astounds me (now). I was an honest believer...

    Ironically, when I left, it wasn't devestating (as I had imagined it would be), but a relief. A huge relief. I see my one sis, she's a pioneer, married to an MS, shuns me completely (like a good JW), and I see myself a few years back.

    I have absolutely no guilt about my life now, no regrets.

  • Leolaia

    I don't think you can break it up dichotomously into those two groups. In my case, I was raised in the trooth and went through my teenage years in it. Now, on the one hand, I was very goody-two-shoes. I never swore, drank, smoked, went to wild parties, had sex, went to R-rated movies, and so forth. I was very studious and generally good-natured to most people, I went to all the 5 meetings every week, I went to the daily text at school for a year (until the girls I studied the text with spread nasty untrue rumors about me), I avoided football games and school dances, and I even openly shared my faith at school. On the other hand, virtually all my friends were worldly, I rarely went out in field service, I openly made fun of the "Organization" with my only friend in the congregation who was also spiritually "weak", I faked my hours, and planned all along to go to college. So did I have a double life? Well, I didn't think so, not too much at least, I didn't present myself falsely as super-spiritual inside the congregation and I didn't engage in very "worldly" stuff outside the congregation.

  • DanTheMan

    A guilt-ridden convert who never quite got the secret handshake down

  • Vivamus

    Although I went to all meetings (cos my mum wanted to go and was depending on me for transportation) I was only a faithful one during my first year, lazy (was'nt going in field-service) and questioning (most in silence) for the other 3 years. I stopped going to any meeting after my mum died.

    Was'nt "obeying" to the rules either.

    My daughter was seriously concerned those days and was thinking to ask the elders for advice. (which she did'nt do afterall) and then she got daubts (not caused by me) rebelled and got df-d.

    I was neither df-d or da-d but faded.

    Oops, forgot to sign in under my own name ... so this is CountryWoman ...aka Branda

  • Gadget

    I was the sort that the elders told everyone else to keep away from.......

    I never bothered with leading a double life, if people asked what I'd been up to I told them. Some of the witnesses I hung around with done a lot worse than me, but kept a good show on for everyone else at the hall and so were in good standing.

  • Deleted

    I had a lot of guilt, so I towed the line well. I took it very seriously, as too my family. I really thought it was the truth and we went to all meetings, service, etc etc. My own inner conscience stopped me from leading a double life, although I did drink too much in those days and eventually my wife was going to rat on me to the elders, hence I was deleted.

  • onacruse

    Until I was 20, a die-hard true-blue manaical Believer. After Bethel, and especially after 1975, that changed.

    Then, yes, I did live a double-life, though I struggled against it.

    What a waste of my life energy.

    Minimus, how is the expenditure of your life energy going?

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    I was the devout real Mccoy to the core.I did not live a double life.I was a very good looking horny as hell boy who never had sex until my first girlfriend 10 months ago at age 46.

    I was a man of integrity ready and eager to die at the drop of a hat for the Jehover.Thats WHY i am the apostate warrior today.The WT$ 'double crossed' me .

    Watchtower liar this man on fire,Undaunted Danny the apostate with an attitude

  • minimus

    huh, ona??

  • onacruse

    min, I was simply inquiring about how things are going for you now. You've posted here and there about how your family, and yourself, are exiting the WTS. However, I haven't been keeping up on the board all that much this last couple of months...

    My question was nothing more than an honest and concerned inquiry.


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