What Type Of Jehovah's Witness Were You, REALLY???

by minimus 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sassy

    I really believed.... but I was weak in that over the years I had slowed down on meeting attendence.. it's been 15 yrs since I got every stinkin meeting... I would miss at least 2 or 3 meetings a month.. so although I had kept going until last year it was not up to their requirements.. and service was minimal.........only one once a month just to get time in.. and if I talked to someone even remotely about religion, I bumped it to an hour and put that in and didnt' go..

    I never ever enjoyed service

  • bigboi

    I believed everything they said, hook, line and sinker. I take that back, I didn't really believe it all, but you wouldn't have heard that from me.

  • JH

    I was a very non productive witness. I never forced anyone to accept my beliefs knowing that I could be wrong.

  • FlyingHighNow
    Were YOU a true-blue JW or were you a faker? Were you always getting counseled or were you considered a "leader", an "example"?

    I was a true blue, very sincere JW and maybe that is why I was NOT considered a "leader" or an "example." I was kind, friendly and generous to a fault, but only could put in the cong. average and wasn't fabulously wealthy.

    Of course now, deep down inside there was a wild side to Flyin' and it was very hard sometimes to behave. Behave I did though until I had been inactive for a few years. Once I did start misbehaving I never stopped. I mean, I don't steal or anything or kill people or litter or bad things like that. Just other more fun type of misbehaving that you can't get arrested for, but you can disfellowshipped for.


  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    In High School I was a double lifer, drinking and smoking pot and cocaine cigerrattes while I was baptized at 16, but after high school I became a good dubbie pioneering and going to bethel occasdsionally drinking beer despite being underage. After leaving Bethel and pioneering for a few more months till I could get my own place I started smoking the evil weed again after field service!

    But despite all of this I was always considered a good example, a leader for the youth, and I always recruited youth to volunteer for KH and Assembly cleaning projects.

    Ahh the good aole days

  • HadEnuf

    Both my hubby and I were true blue, live and even maybe die for, JW's. For over 4 decades.

    But I did watch an R rated movie once. Does that count as a double life???

    Cathy L.

  • Pinned Blouse
    Pinned Blouse

    I think I was what you called "devout" until I started to see the JW's were not perfect. The first time I realized that they were not pefect was when a JW stabbed me in the back, I was floored. I mean literally floored. I came to realize that they were not "perfect" people that I had set up in my mind. I was brought it the troof through a bible study that went on way too long. I studied because it made others happy. I got baptized because it made others happy. I went out in service because it made others happy. Never once did I do it out of my own compulsion.

    Sad! I guess you can say I was a depressed witness. Even when good things happened to me I felt that I did not deserve it.

  • Farkel

    I was a diehard, loyal true-believer. I never lead a double life. I pioneered, conducted the 2nd ministry school, gave hour talks, conducted a book study and did whatever I was asked. Each summer I spent two to three weeks getting Dodger Stadium ready for the District Assembly. There wasn't a single Circuit or District Assembly I did not volunteer to work since I was twelve years old. Every summer from 7th to 12th Grades, I vacation (auxilliary) pioneered.

    In short, onacruse was right: I was a MORON!


  • minimus

    Flyin', I'm glad you never littered! Whew! So what do you do now that's d'fing material, toots?.....Ona, life's ok, so far. stay tuned.

  • codeblue

    I was a "die hard believer"...do it all the way or no way....

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