I think what is being suggested here is being extra tolerant of bad behaviour from folk who have just exited from the JW religion because they need time to hone their social skills and polish up their manners.
Leaving the dubbies is hard work sure enough, but if we enable people in their delusions about what is acceptable, aren't we just prolonging the problem?
I mean, forgive my bluntness, but there is hardly anything less attractive than an adult having childish tantrums because they might have been denied a proper adolescence many years ago.
Also, the many posters here who have slogged their way through their own hang-ups, aren't going to feel too kindly disposed to someone who requires special treatment.
Just to illustrate the point: Many years ago when I went through my own personal emotional crisis, I found that the people who had been through the same thing were actually less sympathetic towards me than those who had never experienced it. It was a "Yeah yeah, we've been there, hurry up and sort yourself out, you ain't gonna find me propping you up, I'm done with all that".