Hi Amazing
I think part of the reason many were relieved when they were told they were earthly class in the '30s was due to how the 144k class was portrayed. The 144k had the 'high' calling, they were to be joint-sacrificers with Christ, worthy, holy, be willing to give up their physicality/humanity like Jesus, totally devoted to the pursuit of improving their spirituality and character to become more Christ-like. This calling would have felt unattainable to a lot of regular people with families, jobs, etc. And then to have the secondary heavenly class portrayed as negligent, failures, somehow not as faithful - the also-rans.
These messages would have a deep psychological effect on the Bible Students. So when the 'negligent' heavenly GC class was done away with and they could be part of the Jonadab class, where there were none of the negative connotations attached, then I can imagine the BSs who felt somehow unsure or inferior would be overjoyed not to have that burden to be 'super-holy.'
(And I'm looking forward to seeing you and e-watchman slug it out some more when he finishes his travels LOL )