Lurkers! The Watchtower's Hour of Test is Here

by metatron 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • metatron

    While the Watchtower is asset rich, contributions are another matter entirely. Passive-aggressive Witnesses are skipping

    meetings and walking past lonely contribution boxes. Witnesses are padding their field service time, downloading porn,

    sneaking peeks at apostate sites, and generally doing whatever they please - while safely out of sight.

    While the Watchtower upbraids others for compromise under test, in fact the organization itself has now encountered its

    greatest moment of test: Will Witnesses assimilate into the world? Will the organization quietly transition itself into inoffensive

    Protestantism? Will it just fade away into history?

    The Watchtower hierarchy are faced with choices. Will they make some attempt to treat the friends as a loving brotherhood

    or will they simply view them as increasingly unproductive economic units, needing to be downsized?

    So far, in their response, the answer is obvious. Is it actually possible that the Watchtower Society could one day

    'let go' of congregations - and all their troubles - while their directors sit atop a huge mound of assets? That they could

    end up like the American Bible Society - a nonprofit organization without specific religious responsibilities?

    We are in uncharted waters. There is no script for this emerging story. If the Governing Body doesn't sign the checks

    anymore, other interests may guide the Watchtower, with its time -worn doctrines, its irrelevant meetings, its sterile

    ministry and its 'cut and paste' guidance.


  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    Insightful post metatron;I have coined my eulogy;"the angush and the agony of having to renounce the life long convictions of my heart"

    Millions now dying will never live

  • Stephanus

    An interesting thought. Could they ever spin off the Kingdom Halls as basically autonomous congregations, with only a proviso that they continue to source their support materials (Bibles, Bible "helps", song books, etc) from the 'Tower Corp?

  • XQsThaiPoes

    You have eloquently stated everything I see but cant explain. Thanks. You said everything. Also notice how the wt has already cut most legal ties to JWs using legal fire wall. Doctrine has been watered down to the point on barely being practicable by a rational person. The elders run every thing and once they start to wax then they will slack off like every one else. According to the wts ribbings they have already become "lax" in some places. To bad there is not a list of "lax" halls.

    Oh halls are aldready autonomous. I was trying to say.

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    The entire Watchtower organization is rotten to the core!Shake it out either way. The WT$ should disband incorrigible congregations.They are the,'village of the damned'. Watchtower liar,this man on fire.No rest for the wicked. All hands abandon ship! HAIL TO THE APOSTATE HEROS. We are the voices of retribution.We are heroes


  • metatron

    The Watchtower is faced with a stark choice:


    So far, their choice is overwhelmingly BUSINESS

    They are smart enough not to go out of business

    but they certainly are 'getting out of brotherhood'.


  • ozziepost
    Could they ever spin off the Kingdom Halls as basically autonomous congregations

    Ya mean, like the Anglicans, the "broad church"???

    I doubt it. Rather I see happening what happened to Israel in the time of King Rehoboam; rather than "lighten the yoke" upon the nation which was advised by his older advisers, he listened to the young men and they advised to clamp down harder on the people, to make the controls more exacting etc (2 Chronicles 9). I can imagine that the bureaucrats who now run the "Organisation" would act just like the "young men" who advised Rehoboam. I don't see things getting 'lighter' for the R&F; quite the opposite is likely.

    But then I could be wrong..........................


  • one

    The WT legal structure had been redesigned to minimize $ damages.

    I think most kh in USA and abroad are onwned by a local registered corporation, local elders being the officials.

    Most likely those local corporations are at the same time owned by one of the corporations in Broklyn.

    The HQ corporation may liable for damages caused by the local corporation.

    HQ may at any time declare all local corporations independent and keep only the most valuable or more convinient for any inmedate or future particular reason.

    Trying to maintain a brotherhood may turn out to be burdersome and just about impossible.

    Then new light may flash...

  • Poztate
    But then I could be wrong..........................


    Ozzie...I don't think you are wrong on this at all. As they see the situation getting out of their control the reaction will to be to tighten the "screws" even further. Many will leave out of exaustion or the feeling that they can never do enough. Fewer persons will be willing to "join up" to this kind of high control group.


  • observador

    Hi Metatron.

    Passive-aggressive Witnesses are skipping meetings and walking past lonely contribution boxes. Witnesses are padding their field service time, downloading porn, sneaking peeks at apostate sites, and generally doing whatever they please - while safely out of sight.

    I have for the most part enjoyed your comments and opinions. It's nice to hear people's opinions. I fail, though, to see where the 'insight' is. I see these things above more as your, uhmm.... opinions, and.... wishfull thinking.

    Please don't get me wrong, but how can you make such fantastic claims? Would you be able to back them up? Care to explain?


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