While the Watchtower is asset rich, contributions are another matter entirely. Passive-aggressive Witnesses are skipping
meetings and walking past lonely contribution boxes. Witnesses are padding their field service time, downloading porn,
sneaking peeks at apostate sites, and generally doing whatever they please - while safely out of sight.
While the Watchtower upbraids others for compromise under test, in fact the organization itself has now encountered its
greatest moment of test: Will Witnesses assimilate into the world? Will the organization quietly transition itself into inoffensive
Protestantism? Will it just fade away into history?
The Watchtower hierarchy are faced with choices. Will they make some attempt to treat the friends as a loving brotherhood
or will they simply view them as increasingly unproductive economic units, needing to be downsized?
So far, in their response, the answer is obvious. Is it actually possible that the Watchtower Society could one day
'let go' of congregations - and all their troubles - while their directors sit atop a huge mound of assets? That they could
end up like the American Bible Society - a nonprofit organization without specific religious responsibilities?
We are in uncharted waters. There is no script for this emerging story. If the Governing Body doesn't sign the checks
anymore, other interests may guide the Watchtower, with its time -worn doctrines, its irrelevant meetings, its sterile
ministry and its 'cut and paste' guidance.