Awwwwwwww but hes such a sweet little pigggggg.
Friends of mine have a Staffy named Robert that I Have known since pretty much his birth 3 years ago. I absolutely adore and love Robert to bits, why, well, he is the most ruddy cantankerous dog I know on four legs and well, we just have the most tremendous fun when we are together. Sure he's very very strong and certainly often has a mind of his own, stubborn as hell and aye, he's one hell of a heavy muscular lump. His jaws are something else, the strength in them is quite astonishingly unbelievable. Tis funny though to see him in the woods running as fast as he can with the equivalent of a log 6" in diameter and 9' long, careering through the trees as fast as his lil legs will take him, the ends of the log whalloping into all the undergrowth on the way. He recognises my doorbell straightaway and always rushes to greet me, tail wagging freneticly, then as soon as I go in, promptly goes completely berserk and loopy jumping all over me. He is just the bestest dog in the whole world, you slap him on the back, pummel him, pull his back legs getting his head twisting round this way and that, he snarls and bears his teeth as I try to outwit him, then all of a sudden, he gets his jaws completely wrapped around my wrist, awwwwww, what a lovely dog he be, so gentle.
Responsible dog ownership is a good thing especially with breeds like this, however, bestow lots of love on a dog like this and you've got a very loyal friend for life.
PEACHEYYYYY = Roberts codeword for Attackkkkkkkkkkk.
Last night I was cuddled up with him for about 2 hours rubbing his belly, hes my best friend.