Pit Bull dogs

by Schizm 74 Replies latest jw friends

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    Puppies I am a dog lover I had one pit bull it's the only dog I needed a choke chain to control that's all the comparison i need to make.

  • Oh Jebus, Save Me From Your Followers!
    Oh Jebus, Save Me From Your Followers!

    As a an avid animal lover and working in the animal field for 8 yrs now I cannot believe the terror people have of pit bulls...not only pit bulls, but german shepherds, rotties..etc. If I have learned nothing else from working with animals it is that it is a very rare occasion that the animal itself is born aggressive. Have you ever heard the phrase "there are no bad dogs, just bad owners?" now dont get me wrong, I believe there are some dogs who are truly f*cked up in the head at birth, such as the chow who I was attacked by. Come to find out not only has the chow attacked me but it has bitten its owners and their 2 children leaving their 2 yr old daughter with a huge scar going down the length of her face because "she got to close to the dog while it had its toy." And what bothered me even more was the fact the dog was still alive to continue doing so. Sorry to offend anyone but those are the dogs who need nothing more than a bullet. On the other hand look at all of the psychotic schnauzers and chihuahuas we have out there because the owners refuse to lay down the law...I think the only reason ppl arent terrified of them is because they believe they cant do as much damage as a pit bull could. Any dog can be a dangerous dog if put in the wrong environment. I have delt with many pits as a vet tech and groomer and in my 8 yrs there are only 3 that come to mind when I think dangerous. Of all the other they all seem just to be big friendly doofuses. Keep in mind though that ppl who are willing to actually bring their pits in to a vet actually do care for their dogs. The 3 I spoke of were all forced to come to a vet for shots or risked having the dog taken. I currently now own a pit bull/english bullie cross who ppl are terrified of because she has a pit face...but anyone who knows her will tell you she doesnt even realize she could hurt another living being if she wanted to. She loves other ppl, children, and animals and I know quite a few ppl with purebred pits who say theirs are the same. But hey thats the difference between a good owner and a bad owner.....do you think any pit thats been taken in by some assh*le for fighting is really going to be a "good dog" no its been trained to fight if it wants to live and that humans are not its friend. How would you feel being chained your whole life being forced to fight and getting severe wounds just so you could eat. And do you think these ppl have any love for these dogs? Hell no they dont...ive seen several dogs who have been starved to death or have slowly bled to death because these ppl are losing fights with them and wont bother to have serious injuries taken care of. So you tell me...what breed of dog, any breed, should be expected to go thru that and still behave like a dog who has been given care, love, and shelter? It just proves that pits are the breed in the spotlight now, and that as long as we have assh*le owners we're gonna have assh*le dogs, regardless to breed.

  • obiwan

    There have been plenty of studies done about what breed attacks the most. So, it's not surprising that pit owners will not be able to get home owners insurance if they know that the home owner owns a pit, pits are on the "black list".

    Children should never be left alone with a dog, at eye level, or near a food dish. As said before, dogs are pack animals, anything they see as smaller or inferior and they will play the dominant role.

    People also need to be more respectful of other people with dogs. Going up to a strange dog who looks friendly while the owner is near is a mistake. The dog doesn't know you, and will look at you as a threat against his master.

    I have had my own run in with idiotic, disrespectful people in my nieghborhood. I keep my dogs on a leash. (including one German Sheperd Avi). I have a lead that my sheperd runs on, it goes from one side of the yard to the other. I have seen adults and even children actually try to beat my sheperd across this line to cross my yard. Now I am fast, and there is no way I can beat him, let alone children. So because of these idiots, the nieghbors feel I have a mean dog, even though these people are trespassing and the yard is clearly marked as such.

    I am in no way saying it's all other peoples fault. But, it's takes respect on both sides to get this under control. And yes, there are bad owners( I have seen a few) and there are also bad people ( like the kids I caught throwing rocks at my dogs while on thier leashes). Dogs have memories as well, when they are mistreated, they remember, and they remember the type of person who mistreated them.

    We all need to becareful, and remember, no matter what training, they are still just animals.

  • Aikon

    Hi Guys

    I also have a Staffy and this is the second one we have had, the first lived till 15 years and his kidneys failed.

    This one is 4 years and is ACE>>> Also we have 9 grand kids and he plays with them all no problems.

    Like in all dogs, alot depends on the OWNER on how you train the dog, and teach it to obey, I must say that the Staffy is one of the SAFE,s dog around especially if you have kids, it will protects you and your family. BUT please note they HATE other dogs!!!!


  • DanTheMan
    There have been plenty of studies done about what breed attacks the most. So, it's not surprising that pit owners will not be able to get home owners insurance if they know that the home owner owns a pit, pits are on the "black list".

    Insurance companies are obsessive statistic-gathering organizations with no agenda except to make money, and this says it all.

    Pit Bull apologists, get real.

  • shera

    The people I know who owned Rotties and Pitbulls,the dogs always seems to have liked me,but they would always sit on me and want me to pet them.I think they were just keeping an eye on me.Always friendly with me,but I never felt safe with them.

    When I was dating this idiot BF and I had a Rottie,stand by my side all night and he didn't like it when my bf came near me.This was also the firt time I was around this dog.They do have their pros about them but like I said I would never own one.

  • avishai
    German shepherds attack more people than bully breeds

    Sorry, obi, I was wrong!!!! It's Rottweilers. Not Shepherds!!!

    My bad!!!

  • obiwan
    German shepherds attack more people than bully breeds

    Sorry, obi, I was wrong!!!! It's Rottweilers. Not Shepherds!!!

    My bad!!!

    No problem Avi

  • morty

    All I have to say is.......It is all about the OWNER of the animal.....

    I myself have a Rottwieler as our pet and my parents own a pitbull. They have both been raised around my children and have never, ever, even thought about showing any snarling towards them or us for that matter. They are very protective of our home, children and of me. In fact my children can go to their food bowl and take away their food and nothing would be said.It really burns my butt the bad rap these dogs have been given, all becasue of a few instances and bad owners.I truly believe that it is in the way these dogs are raised the way they act not in their blood line.

    Really if you think about it, any dog that is loyal to his/her master will protect the hand that feeds them, reguradless of their breed!

    And by the way, my Rottie and my parents Pit bull, they play togther.....

    Just my 2 cents.....


  • WildHorses

    Just a bit of trivia........Did you know, the "our gang" dog was also a Pit Bull. Never heard of anything happening to those kids while filming.

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