HELP ME! I cant cope with this anymore.

by chok 49 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Wild_Thing

    The only thing worse than being a Jehovah's Witness is having family members that are! Mine are driving me crazy too, just coming back from the district convention. For three years, I have been trying to grow thick skin, so to speak, to be able to deal with their belittling, insulting conversations. It has gotten better, but there are times (like now) when they are in rare form!

    Hang in there! I think it is just the season - summer convention time! Ugh! It'll be over soon!

  • Carmel

    ....and condescendingf....


  • Dan-O

    There were 6,624 there, so many people can't be wrong. I am sure Jehovah's spirit was there.

    How many show up for a public appearance by the Pope? How many Moonies are there? How many supporters does al Queda have? Surely so many people can't be wrong.

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    it sounds like you have your parents in check already. keep the pedel to the metel no matter how much it upsets you . it will were off. my only question is why are you still letting your little girl go to the kingDUMB hall? etc. i wouild stop that at once. no questions asked. best wishes john

  • Quotes

    My Thoughts:

    I have been bible bashed to death -- No, you have been Watchtowered to death. The bible doesn't enter into it. Remember this, it will help you.

    my daughter is celebrating birthdays and EVEN made a fathers day card for fathers day today!!! -- Celebrating birthday just like JOB did in the bible. JWs always try to forget about this example of a God-fearing man having a birthday, wherein nobody loses a head. Just tell your family your daughter is part of the Antitypical Job Class.

    well instead of singing the kingdom songs she was singing...Happy Birthday!!! -- Good for her. That is what those of the Antitypical Job Class are supposed to do! Seriously, though, it's as if her mind is wise beyond it's years, trying to drown out the cult indoctrination songs with something fun and mainstream. Sort of a "thought stopping in reverse" thing. The fact that it just makes a huge embarassment at the Kingdumb Hell only makes it better in my mind!

    There were 6,624 there, so many people can't be wrong. -- Classic logical fallacy: the fallacy of common belief. The fact that a number of people believe something is true does not prove it's truth at all. But if your family has trouble with logical arguements, then use thier (flawed) logic against them: The Roman Catholic Church is the largest Xtian church in the world. So many people can't be wrong, so I guess we should all be Catholic, right? Suddenly membership numbers don't mean so much, do they!

    I am sure Jehovah's spirit was there. -- An unprovable statement based entirely on subjective opinion, yet another logical fallacy. I'm sure that Jahoobie's spirit was NOT there, and since neither of us can prove our point (or disprove the other), both points are MOOT. Another angle: If one chooses to believe in a higher power, I'm sure that SHE will be /was present at your child's birthday party!

    I know that you know its the truth when you have sorted your life out I know you will return to the truth. -- Sorry, but once a kid stops believing in Santa Claus, you can't go back. The Genie is out of the bottle, the ship has sailed, the horses have left the barn, and the bridges have been burned. Of course you can't say this to your family.

    Jehovah is waiting to forgive you and keep you safe. -- Which suggests that this all powerful god will not keep you safe if you don't return to him. How petty! With friends (and Gods) like this, who needs enemies? Jesus said to love your enemy: so I guess that advice does not apply to Jahoobie, he only loves his cult followers!?????!!!

    Why wont they listen to me when I say I want to live my live my way. -- Because they are in a cult. It will take some time; in fact they will likely never fully "accept" your new position, but a mutual detente will take a while. They are probably also in a bit of a turmoil. Just play it cool; your actions could eventually rescue your family from the clutches of this evil empire called Watchtowerism.

    ~Quotes, of the "Posts as long-winded as a book by Fred Franz" class

  • Fleur
    What is wrong with celebrating things and living a normal life. My head is spinning.

    absolutely nothing. they are brainwashed, and they can't see their way clear of the indoctrination. you can, and it will get easier (never easy likely, but easier) to deal with this over time.

    your mother and mine sound like two cut from the same exact cloth. (and desi's too from the sounds of her 'visit with mom' post which i have to respond to also).

    the spinning will stop. and your daughter will be, thankfully, a lot clearer about it being right to leave the borg behind.

    my daughter has come so far. she went to the district convention for a couple days with her dad and stepmom this month (no choice) and when i asked her how it was, she rolled her eyes. she can see clearly, cause i haven't fed her the garbage i was fed.

    we're putting up with this crud from our parents to make a better future for our babies. and for ourselves, too.

    hang in there honey, you're not alone in dealing with this.



  • mustang

    I wasn't feeling quite right to suggest going on the offensive, but I see that you have. I found that there came a point where being meek, mild & submissive made no difference: it just made you a doormat to a bully!!!

    "This did not go down well at all!"

    Well done!!!! If you have achieved that point, OK: you can throw the guilt trip back at them. Let them know that the other set of grandparents are GOOD PARENTS!!! That is a "for instance".

    I eventually quoted this scripture to my father, after his trying to run my life and making decisions for me @ 3000 miles away:

    1Pet. 4:15 But let none of you suffer as a murderer, or [as] a thief, or [as] an evildoer, or as a busybody in other men's matters.


    PS In my earlier post I meant 6,000 to 6,000,000,000 is 1 in a million; the board wouldn?t let me edit it, 12 hours later.

  • avengers
    I am sure Jehovah's spirit was there.

    Nah. It was mass hynosis.

    Wait. The GB forbids hypnosis, don't they? Then duh?

    Another oxymoron?

    You bet.


  • shamus
    I just cant see a way out here...they are never going to leave me alone!

    Now you understand the gravity of the situation. They will never ever leave you alone.

  • Lehaa
    and EVEN made a fathers day card for fathers day today!!!

    Ask your mother to look up the origins of fathers day and she'll find that there are no pagan origins (just made up to even out mothers day), and that it is up to each individual witness as to whether they celebrate it or not, although i'm sure that you would be frowned upon if you did.

    How much stuff did we believe just because we were told to.

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