So, What Do They Dump Next?

by metatron 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    As they tried to save food service at circuit assemblies, it really got ridiculous in some places.

    They set up lots of contribution boxes along the lines for food , so there was no chance of missing them.

    and in the end, even that didn't work


  • Mulan

    They downsized CA many years ago from 3 to 2 days, and then the DA were downsized to 3 days, so maybe the next thing will be 2 day DA.

  • minimus

    Kingdom Halls. Old People. Anything that can't give them money.

  • L_A_Big_Dawg

    The issue is not about saving money. The issue is avoiding TAXES!!!!!!!!!!

    Having had a father that worked in the food service Dept. for years, and thus being around during the planning meetings. I can tell that when the assemblies and conventions provided food, not the "happy meals" that started in the early-80s, food was how the assembly was paid for. Once the WTS, began to micro manage the food service to get "more economical" my dad said that he wouldn't be suprised if food would eventually be cut out completely (c. 1983-84).

    LABD, of the I remember the kitchens under the outfield pavillions at Dodger Stadium class

  • metatron

    With respect to taxes and contributions, the Society's motive included both.

    They got scared after Swaggart got nailed for selling stuff for donations, so they started the "voluntary donation arrangement",

    hoping that their "take" would increase by getting $ from the public and publishers. It didn't work out that way.

    Food service became a real disaster as people would grab hoagies by the handful in major convention cities and

    contribute nothing ( like Vets Stadium). So, both the threat of taxes and the resultant plunge in contributions doomed

    food service.

    I've heard that state and Federal governments are looking closer at non-profits. Heaven knows they should! You have some

    parts of the country dominated by these freeloaders who avoid taxes and leave the bills for police and fire protection

    for somebody else.


  • Mary
    Food Service dropped because it didn't make a profit.

    Actually, Food Services used to be the bread and butter of the assemblies. You buy the food at cost, prepare it with free labour and sell it at a reasonable price. It not only covered the cost of the food, but went a long way in covering the rental expenses. 30 years ago, they might make some mention in passing about how much money was generated over all, and what the expenses were, but they never used to bug the shit out of you to give, give, give.

    Food Services was dropped because those working in the kitchen weren't being brainwashed couldn't enjoy the "spiritual food" and probably for tax reasons. Big mistake as now there is never enough put in the contribution boxes to cover expenses. B-O-O-H-O-O

    From a purely business point of view, it was incredibly stupid of them to make all the literature available on a "donation" basis. Most of the Dubs I know are cheap as hell and would never consider paying for something when they could get it for free. If you had to charge tax, who gives a crap? Just add it into the cost of the literature.

  • JAVA

    I haven't been on this forum for some time, but enjoy reading the latest ploys used by the Tower to fleece the flock. From the posts on this thread, it seems the Dubs are no longer willing to empty their pockets and forgo vacations for long assemblies. I still remember sitting in an outdoor ball field for 8 days at one of the international assemblies. Looks like the newer Dubs are wising up a little.


  • roybatty
    They could probably cut a 3 day convention to 2 2days assemblies. They'd probably get higher attendance, and more money.

    Good point.

  • run dont walk
    run dont walk

    just to follow upthe food thing .........

    I remember going to assemblies as a little kid (1970's, 1980's), and lunch was the best time, got to associate, and the food actually was REAL GOOD !!!!!!!!, remember having to buy tickets, before you could get your food.

    The quality was quite good ,all things considering, they had pizza, the burgers were good quality, french fries were fresh cut potatoes, had very good ice cream, lots of fresh pastries, actually quite a good variety, most people i knew volunteered, so they didnt have to sit through the whole assembly.

    But i remember going in the 1980's , you could see the quality drop big time, burgers were thinner and not very good, fries were frozen crap, pizza was taken off, ice cream gone, basically it was worse then McDonalds, thats why people started going out for lunch.

    Lets face it, 4 of us would go out for lunch, maybe have a beer (what a mistake that was, guaranteed you'd be sleeping in the afternoon) and the bill would be $50-$60, we would of gladly spent that at the assembly, if the food was decent. Nope, it got cheaper and poorer quality.

    I run a bar/restaurant, you serve crap, nobody buys, serve good quality food at a decent price, you're packed.

    Maybe the Watchtower should do the same.

    And i know better then anybody, you get certain companies to supply the food for you at assemblies and you're buying in bulk, you will get one hell of a deal !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    What were they thinking ????

  • candidlynuts

    i've heard many old timer witnesses say they dont go to the DA anymore because the talks are provided in watchtowers later in the year. and the talks are so scripted now its not like your going to hear anything important that you cant read about later in the watchtower.

    as far as contributions go... they now assign your congregation an "area" to sit in, well they are assigned to clean that "area" but if you gotta clean it usually you sit near it.. i just wonder if they do that so they can watch who donates like they do in the KH.( referring to elders in my family who were "watchers" their job was to watch at the meetings to see who was donating.) it may all be touted as being voluntary but dang your freakin scared not to donate. especially the men.. if they dont donate they might be passed up for "privelges"! ( men just love holding mic's for some reason ) lol

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