satan fears

by cuddlepie 22 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Carmel

    The reality underlying this question is that the evil spirit, Satan or whatever is interpreted as evil, refers to the lower nature in man. This baser nature is symbolized in various ways. In man there are two expressions, one is the expression of nature, the other the expression of the spiritual realm. The world of nature is defective. Look at it clearly, casting aside all superstition and imagination. If you should leave a man uneducated and barbarous in the wilds of Africa, would there be any doubt about his remaining ignorant? God has never created an evil spirit; all such ideas and nomenclature are symbols expressing the mere human or earthly nature of man. It is an essential condition of the soil of earth that thorns, weeds and fruitless trees may grow from it. Relatively speaking, this is evil; it is simply the lower state and baser product of nature.

    (Abdu'l-Baha, Foundations of World Unity, p. 77)

  • heathen

    Good point logansrun. The WTBTS teaches that the "anointed" sheep are resurected at this time when they die . You can't argue with invisibility. There is no evidence to conclude either , IMO .

  • talesin
    Satan has got you where he wants, alone, coping with all this by yourself

    Well, you are not alone, are you? And you are not coping with all this by yourself. We are here, 24-7, helping you to cope.

    This is another guilt trip, not invented by the JWs, but honed to a fine art by them, that is for sure. I know these fears, and after many years 'out and free', I have seen no evidence that Satan exists. As Carmel's post pointed out, all comes from within us. Choose to manifest the goodness within you, and you will come to know that you need not fear this mythical construct they call "Satan".

    And by the way, Welcome to JWD! :D



    I believe that we share the same mother. I was just given this exact talk this weekend while visiting. I think that it is a, I am sure that it is a script. You know that she thinks she is doing the right thing. What she doesn't know is that there are a whole bunch of people who are here to help you. This place has been amazing for me, as I am sure it will be for you too. You have found a home that will help get rid of all of the questions and guilt that you have been dealing with over the years. WELCOME!!!!!!


  • sinamongurl

    Welcome cuddlepie

    I believe Satan and the demons still exist. I've just recently started my jw investigation.

    Theres still alot of stuff I have to get over.

    This site has helped alot. People here are very intelligent and have researched alot of stuff.

    I have asked many questions and have received much support.


  • cuddlepie

    Thank you everyone for all your support and encouragement. Im really glad i found this site.


  • Mulan
    will you also die broken and unsaved?

    I would like to know what you mean by that, Undaunted Danny? I sure hope you don't mean what it sounds like you mean?

  • Lehaa

    Hi and Welcome cuddlepie.

    We all get that from time to time.

    I am a firm believer in following your own path, just because you are no longer in hte organization does not mean that jehowah will no be there for you of you will have no support.

    i was disfellowshipped 5 weeks ago and although I found it really hard for the first few weeks I'm doing a lot better now, still have a long way to go.

    I'm feeling really close to Jehovah at the moment, It's a closer bond i think because I have no one dictating to me how I should feel. And as far as support goes I have heaps, and a lot of it from friends who are still witnesses but have become disolusioned. The support is great because it's from people who accept me for who i am and don't expect anything of me.

    I know it's easy to say but just ignore your mum, she's still being brain washed and is only doing what she thinks is best for you.

  • exjdub


    Welcome to the forum. First off let me state for the record that I was in the Org for 30+ years and have been out for over 7 years, so temper my thoughts with the fact that I do not have the fear that was evident when I first left the Borg.

    I, too, wrestled with wondering whether or not I saw the hypocrisy and lack of love in the Org clearly, or whether it was Satan blinding me and allowing independent thoughts to cloud my judgement. It didn't help that the Society, and my mother (and others) played the Satan card repeatedly. I can honestly tell you that I am not sure if Satan and his demons exist, or not. I am still exploring and trying to figure things out and have not come to a conclusive decision yet. I do believe there is phenomena that can't be explained, so I am leaving the door open at this point.

    What I can say is that I have visited other churches, I have meditated, I have dabbled in some Tai Chi and Qigong and have continued searching avenues other than Christianity...all things that the Society has insisted would "open me up" for a visit from the demons. I can state unequivocally that I have never had Satan, nor his demons, "attack" me, nor have I seen any evidence of their interest in me whatsover. In fact I have not seen evidence of their existence at all. What the Society is doing is using a scare tactic to prevent you from exploring and questioning the "Truth". Your mother, a victim of the scare tactics and rhetoric from the Org, repeats this for you.

    Satan has got you where he wants, alone, coping with all this by yourself, did he give you what you wanted last time you did things "his" way. Again Jehovah is giving you a choice, he hasn't given up on you even though you keep turning your back on him and looking to Satan's world to give you what you need.

    Your mother, like a lot of mothers, plays the guilt card well. I, of course, am not familiar with your circumstance, or what happened to you when you left previously. I can only tell you that it is not Satan that causes us to do the things we's not about "his" way. It's about making choices. We all make choices, good and bad. We suffer consequences when we make bad, or unwise, choices. It has nothing to do with Satan.

    If you still believe in Jehovah and believe that the Bible is God's word (again, I am still searching my feelings on the matter and am leaning towards no) then you should take comfort in the words where it states that the identifying mark of true Christianity is: Love. The JW's don't show it and don't have it...therefore they cannot be the "Truth" by the scriptures. End of story.

    the "unconditional love" you keep looking for. (there is no such thing by the way, the very fact that you demand that is putting a condition on love before you start).

    No disrespect towards your mother, but that is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard and makes my heart ache for you. Of course there is unconditional love. It is supposed to come from parents, although it often does not. Asking for love is not placing conditions on it. It is nothing more than a plea from a loving child to her mother. Warmest regards.


  • codeblue

    Welcome Cuddlepie!!!

    Yes, I would have to say that your mother is speaking according to "script"...because of the mind control that is used at all the meetings.

    As an active JW, I use to feel the same way....that "worldly people" just can't show you true love............UNTIL my divorce. Yes, my husband left me and the so called "worldly girls" at work, that had been thru a divorce showed me more care and concern. The KH I attended seemed to just let me flounder as a divorced person. OH yeah...I had a couple sisters, but my world changed dramatically and association other than meetings or field service was almost non existant. WOW...big shock to me, that a "worldly person" could really show genuine care and concern.

    Then I remarried a JW...moved to the other side of the US...........was never really accepted by any of the KH's.......I tried to be active...But I couldn't believe the "blatant lack of love"......I began to work full time again. The group I worked with were totally kind to me and helped me out when I was "in need", and my friend in the "truth" only made sure I got to her anniversay party. Boy did that "open my eyes". My "worldly neighbors"...(gasp) where also "there for me"...


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