How many raised in "the truth" have left??

by L_A_Big_Dawg 75 Replies latest jw friends

  • NewYork44M

    Yes - 3rd generation

    Baptized at 15

    Began fade 10 years ago when an elder. current status - I attend an average of one meeting per month.

  • cruzanheart

    1. Yes, raised "in the truth." My parents were baptized before I was born. My mother "took her stand on the blood issue" to have me.

    2. I was baptized at age 9, in May 1965.

    3. I left when I was 46, in June 2002.

    Nina (of the Free At Last class!)

  • Jankyn

    (1) Born in, raised in (Mom 3rd generation JW, Dad baptized to marry her--he was always "weak" and was df'd when I was 8). Like Blondie, I kinda had one toe in the world.

    (2) Never baptized....delayed, delayed, delayed, with my smartass Dad pointing out that Jesus didn't get dunked until he was 30 (bless you "worldly" parents who support your kids! It saved my life.). Marked as "bad association" at 15 (1975): When Armageddon didn't come, I stopped going door-to-door, joined the high school Drama Club and went out for basketball. I was such a baaaaad kid. Just ask the JWs.

    (3) Faded from meetings at 16 (got a job with a conflict! Had to work Saturday and Sunday mornings--doggone it! Hee hee). Haven't set foot in a Kingdom Hall since 1979 (I was 19 and went to the Memorial one last time to please my ailing grandma).


  • fraidycat9

    1. Yes

    2. Yes. Age 17

    3. Fade: In my forties

  • exjdub

    1. Raised in the "Truth"

    2. Baptized at 14 because everyone else was getting baptized.

    3. Left at 35 years old. Moved 1500 miles away.

  • Valis

    1) Were raised in "the truth?" Yes

    2) Did you get baptized and at what age? Yes 14

    3) What age were you when you faded, were DF'd or DA'd? 17 ...I was never DFd or DAd that I ever know of. And I'm sure if my dad felt it one of his Jehovah duties he most assuredly would have by now.


    District Overbeer

  • calamityjane

    1) Were raised in "the truth?" Yes

    2) Did you get baptized and at what age? 16

    3) What age were you when you faded, were DF'd or DA'd? walked away at 37

  • boa
    1) Were raised in "the truth?"

    Yes, 3rd generation.

    2) Did you get baptized and at what age?

    Yes, unfortunately, at 15, just after the June 1985 change in the baptism questions - damn!

    3) What age were you when you faded, were DF'd or DA'd?

    I knew something wasn't right in dubbiedom when at bethel in the late 90's. Slow fade which I thought was just 'time to figure troof out so as to get back into it' became outright rejection of it all Feb 04

  • Carmel

    suckled at the twin fountains of cult hypocracy, tricked into dunking by false promises at age 12, saw the hypnotic light for what it was on the same day, left home and the cult at 14.5. Df'd in absentia! Never looked back!


  • Mulan
    2. I was baptized at age 9, in May 1965.

    Nina, HIGH FIVE, girl!!! Me too. But for me it was May 1955, 10 years earlier than you.

    I don't know if you can say I was third generation, because my grandparents were baptized after my parents were, but my kids were 4th generation, for sure. Everyone out now. (almost....still one cousin, one aunt, and my mother, faithfully marching, marching) Even that cousin's 3 sons are out and his wife. And she was a special pioneer in Chile.

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