
by Lostreality 215 Replies latest jw friends

  • GenericMan

    Cassi, you don't seem to get what I'm saying. Why should the wrongful act of the father cause the death of the unborn? To kill the unborn is to give a punishment greater than that given to the guilty rapist. The unborn have the right to live regardless of the circumstances under which he or she was concieved.

  • bebu
    If abortion were outlawed we would be back in the Sixties, fifties and before, using bicycle spokes and hangers.

    This is not so. Medicine and technology have always been changing. Even now, there are docs who will give prescriptions to mix medicines to cause an abortion. Coat hangers are a relic of the past, and I think they are used for emotional lobbying.

    May I highly recommend a book by Dr. Bernard Nathanson, who co-founded NARAL, helped legalize abortion in New York back in the early 70's, and performed 75,000 abortions over the years--including his own child? "Aborting America" is an interesting recountingof his philosphical reasons for finally abandoning abortion ( he wrote this book as an atheist).


    I read it 20 years ago, and it was quite engrossing.


  • Cassiline
    I was not addressing you in particular, it was a general comment designed to make people think.

    Hey Tal

    You know, my youngest daughter and I just had the same discussion. She said to me she thought abortion was murder and she would never do it ever. Almost screamed it. I will not say to her what my beliefs on the subject are, as I may be jaded due to life experience. So I asked her the question if you were raped or the baby was a result of incest would that be ok?

    She responded, yes. I stated the same you posed, (devils advocate question) and she then said yes abortion would be allowed in that situation. I then asked why, she could not answer. Do I fault a 15 year old because of the obvious difference? No because as you said it's emotionally based.

    Everyone has their reasons for their decisions, it the fact that we have the decision to make even if we would not use it is what is important. It took women years to be reconigized as those who were allowed to make the smallest decision, even to even vote, which does not come close to this type of decision. But we have such and I believe many intend on keeping it.

    Perhaps thats why it is viewed with such authority. Because MEN do not hold that over womens heads any more. ( I realize this agrument can be knocked down like a match in the sand.) And I realize that some women use such for evil if you will. All this can be considered devil advocate argument as well. So much was held over women for so long and they were trapped and held hostage by a men. I heard every argument and I have sided with choice and that of no choice.

    Perhaps thats why it's so important to women as well. As I said above I am not judging those who choose.


  • Cassiline
    This is not so. Medicine and technology have always been changing.

    Please do not take my quotes out of context. The reason that was written was to show that even back when coat hangers were used and abortion was illegal there were not thousands of babies in trash cans.


  • Yizuman

    Since when it's the baby's fault that he or she suddenly had come to existance? Why does the baby have to die because he or she is there in the womb?


  • talesin




  • Cassiline
    The unborn have the right to live regardless of the circumstances under which he or she was concieved.

    If your belief is religious and someone can show me that God gave the same right to EVERY man, woman and baby without destroying them because he did not agree to that which they were doing or their parents and did not destroy them in fits of temper then I may agree.

    Cassi, run-on sentence class

  • talesin


    I suggest you read the case of 'the violinist, whose only hope of life was being hooked into your body', a famous philosophical examination of the abortion issue. It's available on the net. Just do a google search.

    It might make you think ...

  • Cassiline

    Hey Tal

    I just wanted to say, no hard feelings k? This and others we have been involved always bring out my claws! lol

    Hugs to you


  • Cassiline

    People will sometimes argue against abortion by citing individuals who achieved greatness who might have been aborted. Professor Lipkin raised a reply to this argument. What if you attended a symphony concert, and then the following morning when you awoke found yourself connected by a machine to the solo violinist from the concert that night? Suppose the doctors present explained to you that you are the only chance for survival that this man has, and that he will have to be connected to you for nine months, or he will die. Would you not find this a terrible impingement upon your rights? Would you not feel that this imposition was too much to ask? Would you not insist that you be disconnected from the violinist?

    It is not adequate in response to suggest that I might be willing to dedicate nine months of my life to be life support for a great concert violinist. One cannot truly know how one would react to such hypothetical situations. But it is clear that the illustration is quite an imposition, and is unreasonable. But if this is unreasonable, why is it not also unreasonable to require pregnant women to carry healthy unborn children to term if it will not endanger their own lives?


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