Watchtower Murder Letter

by allpoweredup 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • XQsThaiPoes

    I can't figure out the villany in this letter. If you read the laws on the priviledge of counsel this letter makes sense. Even news reported who dont have a leg to stand on try to claim priviledge. So I think the wts is right on this letter. The people is a fugitative so try to get them out of the congregation in some unrelated manner that you can't be sued out of existance for.

    What I hate is how the wts knows the laws and the average elder or penitant JW does not. This causes a bunch of weird elder behaviors that neither the elder or the person involved understands fully. Such as them never scheduling a one on one meeting, or them poping up in a group of "two or more" at your house unexpectedly. It is all to keep ping ponging between each side of these laws to avoid liablity. Remember the wts does not define a clergy class and they know that. The state defines you as clergy.

  • core
    Suppose someone tells you he committed a murder. Does that in fact mean he really did kill someone? People may imagine they killed someone. Suppose you inform the authorities that a person confessed to a murder. Later the person says he didn't and then accuses you of slander?

    No it does not mean he actually commited a murder but the circumstances, etc should help a mature person make a mature decision. Reporting such a confession to elders COULD get you in trouble if the individual denies what he told you - however with the Police - any honest approach will not give grounds for the individual to allege slander.

    You appear hurt that so many take this direction from the WT as an indication that they put the image of the Organisation first, above all else. This does amaze me

  • proplog2


    Every organization wants a good public image. I can't even say I'm much offended by the JW haters. But I think it is worthwhile to point out that some of the statements made on this forum are really mean spirited. Venting anger may relieve tension but it doesn't achieve any goal.

  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer

    Proplog2 writes:

    "The Bible does not say you have to tell all you know."

    And so goes the coveted "we put Bible principles first" mantra when it suits a selfish need.

    The fact is when laws do not require elders to report serious crimes by JWs, like murder or sexual molestation of a child, then the WTS instructs its appointees to keep it confidential from secular authorities -- period. You know that, proplog2.

    So where does this instruction fall betwixt 1) the Christian teaching to love our neighbors as ourselves and 2) the pre-Christian ideology to give what is good to those to whom it is owed if it happens to be in your power to do so? In both cases the principle at work is to proactively do what you can to help your neighbor whether it's mandated or not.

    Is it possible to say 1) we love our neighbors as ourselves when we require under pain of extreme shunning that JWs report to elders a fellow JW who has murdered because we want the congregation protected yet 2) we do not insist on the same reporting to secular authorities when possible so our neighbors can likewise have an opportunity at protection? How is it loving our neighbors as ourselves to seek disclosure to protect ourselves yet instruct nondisclosure to our neighbors who also need protection?

    If you want to assert legalese then please do so by honestly disclosing the caveat that taking advantage of a legality that does not require disclosure does not go hand in hand with putting Bible principles first!

    Marvin Shilmer

  • core
    Every organization wants a good public image. I can't even say I'm much offended by the JW haters. But I think it is worthwhile to point out that some of the statements made on this forum are really mean spirited. Venting anger may relieve tension but it doesn't achieve any goal.

    Yes - every organisation would want a good, clean image but the dilema to me is that the WT claims, in a variety of ways, superiority over all other organisations on this planet - this superiority should be evidenced by a superior standard - that is not what I see

    Yes also, I am saddened at times to see pure JW hatred in posts on this board but can appreciate why some make such, yes they are venting anger but in every case different reasons add up to some cause which prompts them to pour out their JW hatred - not, again an assumption on my part, for the individual JW members, but for the organisation which directs them and claims moral superiority in all the earth yet evidences nothing different from the common herd of mankind. The process of leaving an organisation which has betrayed me and let me down (and likely so for many more) is one in which stages of anger, hatred, rage are parts, elements, of that process some can never leave such attitudes but others do move on to calmer waters. Yes mean spirited some comments may be and I think such serve no purpose in exposing the WT but I can understand those who feel moved to make such comments. Not all are literally capable of making a coherent argument relating to their own disappointments at the hand of "the organisation" yet this does not diminish the quality of their feelings/responses etc.

    The so called "murder letter" betrays to me an attitude of hypocrisy - it does not provide a scintilla of evidence of God's blessing on the organisation behind it and as such it is not surprising that so many hurt ones are outraged at such double standards.

  • proplog2

    I notice a lot of references to the Watchtower organization almost as if it were a person. Maybe that's the problem. We have evolved in a social context so that we personify everthing - even things like our cars. We name them. We give them gender. They "let us down".

    Organizations are not "people". Even though Corporations are given the status of a person under law - they are basically soul-less and have no feeling. Should we really be surprised when our organizations don't behave like humans?

    The way you take control of these tools we call "organizations" is you use them for YOUR purpose. And when they don't suit YOUR purpose - find one that fits YOUR purpose a little better. But don't moan and groan about them. Orgnaizations AREN'T PEOPLE.

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