Is there proof of Evolution out there? help needed

by trumangirl 68 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist
    First of all Hawking radiation is postulated to come from a quantum energy field which is technically not nothing. and second for hawking radiation to exist a black hole must already exist which is not nothing either

    No, you miss the point.

    Hawking radiation does not come FROM the black hole. It exists DUE to the black hole, but nothing (repeat: NOTHING) is *drawn* from the singularity - not energy, not mass (indeed, it would be impossible to do so) in order to create this form of radiation.

    Hawking radiation is a form of particle that is spontaneously created simultaneously with a negative particle of the same 'size', hence not violating the laws of physics. However, the 'opposite' particle is immediately lost into the singularity, and the resulting Hawking radiation escapes into our universe.

    you ignored what I said

    1. the quantum energy field is not nothing

    2. for hawking radiation to have any meaning, the black hole must already exist, so there cannot be such a thing by itself

    3. the black hole is diminshed in energy by hawking radiation.

  • Xander

    No, I already addressed those points:

    1. The Quantum 'energy' field is NOT an 'energy' field - quantum physics does not apply to the current laws of conservation of energy

    2. That is irrelevant, it COULD exist anywhere, we just notice it there

    3. As I stated, the black hole is *not* diminished by the creation of Hawking radiation.

  • hooberus
    LOL! My "ad hominem" ("Hooberus, Sarfati's article is just horrible. But I won't try to convince you; it's just pissing into the wind.") vis a vis Hooberus is one based on years of experience dealing with Young-Earth Creationists in general, and Hooberus in particular. He has demonstrated time and again his complete inability/unwillingness to deal with any subject not already canned in the AnswersInGenesis website. In this, he's no different from the stereotypical braindead Jehovah's Witness who can't/won't deal with anything not already canned in Watchtower literature.

    I disagree. I have used several websites here (both creationist and evolutionist), as well as material from outside reference sources. I have read deatailed information from evolutionists as well as creationists.

    Hooberus demonstrated this inability several times in this thread (by ignoring my comment;

    Here is your complete comment Alan: "Hooberus, Sarfati's article is just horrible. But I won't try to convince you; it's just pissing into the wind." I don't see how ignoring a comment such that above demonstrates "inability." I did not feel that the comment deserved a response, nor did I desire to give you one due to time, the lack of information in the comment, as well as your implication that discussion with me is the same as "pissing into the wind"

    by ignoring several arguments that various posters presented)

    Just because I don't engage every single point does not mean that I have an "inability" to do so. The evolutionists here do not engage every single issue that I bring up.

    and in the thread where he replied to a long-standing challenge from Hillary_Step with a wimpy "If I decide to take the time to go into your points on the other thread I will probably do it there, or you may wish to search in some of the mainline creationist organization websites." Which means he wasn't able to find an answer to the challenge (now or a long time ago when HS first posed it) on the AnswersInGenesis website, and therefore will almost certainly continue to put off giving an answer.

    The reason I gave for not taking the time to respond to Hillary's relatively recent post (01-Jul-04 00:21 - hardly "long standing"). was simply due to time/ moving on to other threads. Your claim that my reason for not responding was due to not being able to "find an answer to the challenge (now or a long time ago when HS first posed it) on the AnswersInGenesis website, and therefore will almost certainly continue to put off giving an answer." is simply a false accusation. I never even checked AIG or any other site on this issue.

    Hooberus posted a link to an article by one Jonathan Sarfati, , where Sarfati purported to give a response to the article " ?15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense? by John Rennie (Editor), Scientific American. 287(1):78?85, July 2002; Feature article on Scientific American Web site, 17 June 2002." Sarfati's response is titled, "15 ways to refute materialistic bigotry: A point by point response to Scientific American" Now, a "point by point response", we normally assume, will show why each of the points being responded to is wrong.

    A point by point response is simply that, a point by point response. There is no requirement that every point be disputed.

    However, Sarfati actually admits that some of Rennie's points are correct, but dismisses them in various ways. Here are the points from the "Table of contents" for the linked article that Sarfati implies he refutes:

    1. Evolution is only a theory. It is not a fact or a scientific law.
    2. Natural selection is based on circular reasoning
    3. Evolution is unscientific, because it is not testable or falsifiable.
    4. Increasingly, scientists doubt the truth of evolution.
    5. The disagreements among even evolutionary biologists show how little solid science supports evolution.
    6. If humans descended from monkeys, why are there still monkeys?
    7. Evolution cannot explain how life first appeared on earth.
    8. Mathematical impossibility
    9. The Second Law of Thermodynamics
    10. Mutations are essential to evolution theory, but mutations can only eliminate traits.
    11. Natural selection limits
    12. Nobody has ever seen a new species evolve.
    13. Evolutionists cannot point to any transitional fossils
    14. Living things have fantastically intricate features
    15. Life is too complex

    Unfortunately for Sarfati's implied claim of refutation, he actually concedes four of Scientific American's points by admitting that YECs should not argue against them:
    1. Evolution is only a theory. It is not a fact or a scientific law.
    2. Natural selection is based on circular reasoning
    3. Evolution is unscientific, because it is not testable or falsifiable.
    6. If humans descended from monkeys, why are there still monkeys?

    Sarfati agreed with the issues that he felt were accurate and disputed the others that he disagreed with. Why make an issue over agreeing with specifics that you believe are accurate? Normally it is considered a sign of honesty to admit when you agree with your opponets on an issue. If someone were to write a complete point by point response to a WT society publication I would hope that where they specificallly felt that the Society was accurate on a particular point that they would so state. Even on some of the four points that Sarfati agreed that creationists should not argue with he provided clarification on issues. Perhaps the arcticle should have simply been titled "a point by point response" rather that use the terminology "15 ways . . .etc." since he did not refute all 15 points (though he discussed 15 points). However this hardly seems like an issue worth harping about.

  • hooberus

    That article on AIG about Scientific American. In the first paragraph, from "Scientific American was founded by the artist and inventor Rufus Porter (1792?1884), who thought that science glorified the creator God..." too "the most recent two have diametrically opposed their founder?s original vision." in the second full paragraph after the quote, the writer of the article is using a combination of Argumentum ad antiquitatem (the original intent of the magazine was better),

    Safarti discusses the fact that the magazine (now evoltionary) was originally apparently creationist. Though Safarti favors creationism, he does not imply that because the magazine was originally creationist that therefore creation is thus correct over evolution (which would be needed to claim "Argumentum ad antequitatem").

    In the first paragraph, from "Scientific American was founded by the artist and inventor Rufus Porter (1792?1884), who thought that science glorified the creator God..." too "the most recent two have diametrically opposed their founder?s original vision." in the second full paragraph after the quote, the writer of the article is using a combination of Argumentum ad antiquitatem (the original intent of the magazine was better), Argumentum ad verecundiam (regarding the original editor) and Argumentum ad hominem against the last two editors.

    Sarfati gives the creationist view of the original editior, however he does not imply that because the original editor was a creationist that therefore this is evidence that creation is true (Argumentum ad verecundiam/ appeal to authority argument).

    In the first paragraph, from "Scientific American was founded by the artist and inventor Rufus Porter (1792?1884), who thought that science glorified the creator God..." too "the most recent two have diametrically opposed their founder?s original vision." in the second full paragraph after the quote, the writer of the article is using a combination of Argumentum ad antiquitatem (the original intent of the magazine was better), Argumentum ad verecundiam (regarding the original editor) and Argumentum ad hominem against the last two editors.

    Statements (with references) such as: "Since Porter, Scientific American has had only six editors in chief, and the most recent two have diametrically opposed their founder?s original vision. Now, as will be explained further in this article, Scientific American works to push an atheistic world view in the guise of ?science?, and a number of corollaries such as a radical pro-abortion,1human cloning2 and population control agenda.3" are not examples of faulty argumentation, but merely addressing the current world view of the publication.

    The writer of the article, wihout considering one fact regarding the theories being contrasted, seeks to create through fallacious reasoning an environment where the view he opposes is automatically assumed by the reader to be one of less worth or validiity.

    I see no "fallacious reasoning" being employed.

    Didn't you get enough of that kind of thing in the Borg hooberus?

    I never have been a JW ("in the Borg").

    moving on to one of your points . . .

    Scientific American's Point 4 objects to this classic Creationist characterisation;

    4. Increasingly, scientists doubt the truth of evolution.

    Another Argumentum ad verecundiam, e.g. Fred Hoyle thinks x, so all the people who, unlike Fred, are actually evolutionary biologists or some other relevent discipline who disagree with him are wrong.

    AiG then dance round the same hat the Dubbies do, and try to make it look like there's a silent majority of scientists who support Creationism but who are too scared to speak. They don't support this assertation in any way with facts, as there are none to support it.

    The AIG response to point 4 contains none of your assertions. Where is there an "Argumentum ad verecundiam" in AIG's actual respose to point four? Also, where does AIG imply that there is a "a silent majority of scientists who support Creation"?

  • Abaddon


    Just because I don't engage every single point does not mean that I have an "inability" to do so.

    Ah, so you can refute the utter and total falsification of Genesis as an accurate account of Creation or a Global Flood by trees?

    Go on then.

    Oh, and re. SA; Safarti engages in off-the-topic attacks on SA; the definiton of an off-the-topic attack is one which does not pertain to the truth or otherwise of the points being discussed. Safarti does this time and time again.

    You can defend such low and dishonest behaviour if you like... oh... you have...

    re. point 4, if an arguement that implies Scientists are 'falling away' from Evolutionary belief is made, it or a defence of it is an arguement from authority as it makes the claim of scientists doubting evolution an argument against evolution based upon the authority of those falling away scientists.

    It?s logically possible for a belief to lose adherents even if journals still publish articles supporting this belief. Rennie might benefit from some study of simple logic (my paper Logic and Creation might help).

    This clearly is a defence of this opinion.

    I notice however that you are incapable of showing the point in SA is one that Creationists do not make (we all know some do), nor are you able to show there is any truth in the statement.

    But what's the use hooberus?

    You maintain your beliefs despite simple, easily understandable evidence indicating the entire Genesis account is made-up.

    You avoid your weak points and ponce about in the Emperor's New Clothes.

    I on the other hand have been dying to have a debate about one of human evolution's weak points, but no Creationist seems to actually know what they are!!!

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    3. As I stated, the black hole is *not* diminished by the creation of Hawking radiation.

    here you are ignoring what Hawkin himself wrote on this.... and yes quantum energy fields do exist and are not nothing.

  • Tashawaa
    what about the improbability of the first living cell developing, surviving and reproducing, and the complex systems for life evolving by chance mutations?

    For me, coming out of the JW mindset, evolution was foreign... and did not make sense. It has taken years for me to learn the basics of the theory. I can remember from the "Creation" book, the stats used to "support" the improbability of evolution. But "odds" don't play a part in "what is". For example:

    What are the odds of you being born? Well the average "sperm count" is 20 million. Every month a woman ovalates. It takes one specific sperm to one month's egg to create the individual that is "you". If your mom got pregnant a month before or after - or if it was a different 1 in 20 million sperm, "you" would not be here. This is just the odds between your parents. What are the odds that they would meet? Or their parents? or the Grandparents... Greatgrandparents... etc FOR GENERATIONS. Had two different people, or the "timing" of pregancy was off - "you" would not be here. The "odds" of you being here are beyond comprehension. BUT, just because the odds of you being born are near to impossible, doesn't mean it didn't happen. We are all here. We are all living proof that just because there was a huge improbability that you shouldn't have been born, doesn't mean it can't happen.

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    creationists use odds a lot....

    but what are the odds that a god existed who could make things without any knowledge whatso ever outside of what he eternally possessed as his true nature? a god who was all alone in the beginning with no one and nothing to learn from.... seems like trail and error, or evolution had to happen on some level at some time... magical mystery gods who can just speak reality into being are the stuff of fables not reality.

  • AlanF

    Hooberus said:

    :: ... [Hooberus] has demonstrated time and again his complete inability/unwillingness to deal with any subject not already canned in the AnswersInGenesis website. In this, he's no different from the stereotypical braindead Jehovah's Witness who can't/won't deal with anything not already canned in Watchtower literature.

    : I disagree.

    You can disagree all you want, but my point is demonstrable in general. It's demonstrable even in this reply of yours, where you display the slippery, treacherous wording so typical of Young-Earth Creationists, and don't respond to important points I made. I'll point out instances.

    : I have used several websites here (both creationist and evolutionist),

    Big deal. So you use canned material from other creationist websites as well. My point was not about the specific website -- this should be obvious to a third-grader -- but that you only post links to this canned material. You hardly ever deal with specifics of the creation/evolution debate using your own words.

    Your answering a charge not made is an example of your slipperiness, as shown by your deliberate mistunderstanding of this simple point.

    : as well as material from outside reference sources.

    Which you normally only post links to as well. You rarely, if ever, discuss actual points made against YECism, but only post links -- which often don't even prove the point you supposedly want to make.

    : I have read deatailed information from evolutionists as well as creationists.

    So? It's obvious that you ignore a great deal of solid evidence for evolution.

    :: Hooberus demonstrated this inability several times in this thread (by ignoring my comment;

    : Here is your complete comment Alan: "Hooberus, Sarfati's article is just horrible. But I won't try to convince you; it's just pissing into the wind." I don't see how ignoring a comment such that above demonstrates "inability."

    The point is once again simple, Hooberus. My comment was a dig at you to see if you'd rise to the challenge. You could easily have risen to the occasion and said, "Try me." You didn't, and proved my point.

    : I did not feel that the comment deserved a response,

    Translation: "I knew I couldn't answer, and so I told myself that it didn't deserve a response."

    : nor did I desire to give you one due to time, the lack of information in the comment,

    The comment itself was a challenge. See above.

    : as well as your implication that discussion with me is the same as "pissing into the wind"

    Well isn't it? What substantial discussions have you yourself -- not the links you post -- engaged in? What specific arguments given by folks like me, Abaddon, Hillary_Step, Rem and others have you attempted to refute by real, honest debate and in your own words? I know of none. Do enlighten me if I'm wrong by pointing to three posts that prove your claim.

    :: by ignoring several arguments that various posters presented)

    : Just because I don't engage every single point does not mean that I have an "inability" to do so.

    Here again you use that typical slippery, YECcy language. You imply that you engage most points, when in reality you engage hardly any. Again, posting links is not engaging.

    : The evolutionists here do not engage every single issue that I bring up.

    Certainly not every one, but far more than you do. Besides, most of "your" points are contained in the links you post, which are often voluminous. And of course, as you've demonstrated in this thread with your replies to me and Abaddon with regard to our debunking some of Sartfati's claims, you don't even address the majority of the points we make against claims in those links. Why should we bother to do a lot of work when you ignore most of it?

    :: and in the thread where he replied to a long-standing challenge from Hillary_Step with a wimpy "If I decide to take the time to go into your points on the other thread I will probably do it there, or you may wish to search in some of the mainline creationist organization websites." Which means he wasn't able to find an answer to the challenge (now or a long time ago when HS first posed it) on the AnswersInGenesis website, and therefore will almost certainly continue to put off giving an answer.

    : The reason I gave for not taking the time to respond to Hillary's relatively recent post (01-Jul-04 00:21 - hardly "long standing").

    It's a week old. That's pretty long standing in this forum.

    : was simply due to time/

    A very poor excuse. You find the time for much less substantial stuff, because all you have to do is post links to canned material. But you found the time to post to a lot of other stuff in the meantime.

    : moving on to other threads.

    Posh. That is merely what you did, not a reason for what you did. Of course, this contradicts your "time" excuse.

    : Your claim that my reason for not responding was due to not being able to "find an answer to the challenge (now or a long time ago when HS first posed it) on the AnswersInGenesis website, and therefore will almost certainly continue to put off giving an answer." is simply a false accusation. I never even checked AIG or any other site on this issue.

    Well, when you demonstrate a certain repetitive behavior, it's a pretty good bet that you're doing it again.

    :: Hooberus posted a link to an article by one Jonathan Sarfati, , where Sarfati purported to give a response to the article " ?15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense? by John Rennie (Editor), Scientific American. 287(1):78?85, July 2002; Feature article on Scientific American Web site, 17 June 2002." Sarfati's response is titled, "15 ways to refute materialistic bigotry: A point by point response to Scientific American" Now, a "point by point response", we normally assume, will show why each of the points being responded to is wrong.

    : A point by point response is simply that, a point by point response. There is no requirement that every point be disputed.

    Yet again we see that slippery YECciness from you. Sarfati claimed to give a point by point response, for what? For "15 ways to REFUTE materialistic bigotry"! So it's not me, but Sarfati himself who is trying to convince his audience that he's refuting ALL 15 ITEMS on John Rennie's list.

    You're not so stupid as to have missed this simple point when I specifically pointed it out, Hooberus. Thus, I can only conclude that you're not being honest.

    :: However, Sarfati actually admits that some of Rennie's points are correct, but dismisses them in various ways. Here are the points from the "Table of contents" for the linked article that Sarfati implies he refutes:

    :: ...

    :: Unfortunately for Sarfati's implied claim of refutation, he actually concedes four of Scientific American's points by admitting that YECs should not argue against them:

    :: ...

    : Sarfati agreed with the issues that he felt were accurate

    Only after in the title of his article he claimed to be refuting them. So he's just as dishonest as a lot of other prominent YEC writers.

    : and disputed the others that he disagreed with.

    You got that right.

    : Why make an issue over agreeing with specifics that you believe are accurate?

    Because Sarfati lied to his readers by implying in the title that he was about to refute ALL 15 POINTS that Rennie made, pretending to make a clean sweep of that nasty old evolutionist John Rennie.

    : Normally it is considered a sign of honesty to admit when you agree with your opponets on an issue.

    Yes, but it's dishonest to claim in one title sentence to refute ALL of one's opponents points, but then in the text of the article admit that it isn't true. Most YECs, who are the majority audience for Sarfati's nonsense, will only read the title, thinking that he's refuted every point that Rennie, in Scientific American made. In this, Sarfati acts exactly like Watchtower writers, who we all know are thoroughly dishonest.

    : If someone were to write a complete point by point response to a WT society publication I would hope that where they specificallly felt that the Society was accurate on a particular point that they would so state.

    You illustrate my point very well, Hooberus. Point by point refutations are not usually necessary. Most authors who take issue with some points in an article simply state that they're going to dispute the points of interest, and readers take it for granted that the author either has no issue with the untouched points, or isn't interested (for any number of reasons) in tackling them. But when an author specifically mentions that he's going to REFUTE every point, and doesn't, he's lying.

    A more honest title for Sarfati's article would be "Ways to refute materialistic bigotry: a response to Scientific American". That doesn't give a false impression that the author is refuting every point.

    : Even on some of the four points that Sarfati agreed that creationists should not argue with he provided clarification on issues.

    Fine. But that doesn't lessen his dishonesty in choosing a misleading title.

    : Perhaps the arcticle should have simply been titled "a point by point response" rather that use the terminology "15 ways . . .etc." since he did not refute all 15 points (though he discussed 15 points). However this hardly seems like an issue worth harping about.

    It's very much worth pointing out, for reasons I've stated above. And this shows that you really do understand my point, despite your protestations. Yet another bit of YEC slipperiness.

    All that said, Hooberus, at least here you've engaged in some real discussion. Perhaps there's hope for you.


  • Tashawaa

    Actually, the information Hoob has proved over time, the links, his "arguments", have actually played a BIG part in me seriously learning about evolution.

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