aahhh I luvs ya 151, you know that! I was just trying to offer helpful hints of how to get on Simon's good side that's all. BTW you cant be stalking me if I'm stalking you, it cancels itself out.
Go Get Em COSBY!!!
by Flash 211 Replies latest jw friends
Hmmmm so we are both stalking each other... hmmmmmm Kinky
I'll leave Simon my keyboard.
it was you who stated the following:
?Of course the way he addressed the issue is of prime concern?
so for you it was like in wt THE WAY IT WAS SAID ? and the point is yea he could have
said it better, in a better place, in a better manner perhaps, but at the end of the day the issue remains the same,
and if all one can do is say:?I don?;t like the way he said so and so,? well that has nothing to do with IS IT TRUE OR NOT
It's all in the presentation. Currently there are hip-hop summits going on all over the country, where Russel Simmons and others in the hip-hop community are coming together to register young voters. Tons of kids are at each of these summits. Why didn't Bill go to any one of them to voice his concerns about the young, poor and disenfranchised? You alluded to earlier that a young man lost out on a good job, because he didn't present himself the right way, although qualified for the position. Yet, a millioniare comedian who created such memorable characters as MUSHMOUTH and DUMBDONALD gets a pass becuse he is telling the "truth"? You've got to be kidding me.
Some posts from another message board i frequent. Quote:
Originally Posted by tonytonytony Black People have Many more tools today than years gone buy you totally missed the class aspect of what i said, read it again and understand it,
bottom line..
they are NOT handing chances to low budget people in the ghetto, so low budget people in those ghetto's try to make it any way they can..by any means..
everything Malcolm said, and that's all we can remember..
Quote:Originally Posted by tonytonytony I think Cosby is using a proven method. it sure is working ain't it?
seeing as how he isn't the first, i think it's safe to say this method isn't working much, nothings changed..going at it the sam way as many black republicans and stuck upper class negro's and hoping for a different result cause you're Bill Cosby?silly.
Quote:Originally Posted by tonytonytony Talking about your LAZY, UNITERESTED (except sex, hip hop, rims, cell phones and throwback bullshit), NO GOAL SETTING, Lump of GREAT Potential Ass!
Black People DO care what others think, and if it became Fashionable to have a Ph.D.
More would have them. Just like it always seems to be a way to pay those ignorant cell phone bills, and buy those bullshit jerseys!
We all need to take inventory of our lives and PRIORITISE!i don't own cell phone,have never bought a jersey, and i couldn't tell you if my car had rims or not..
thats another problem we have..we'll all overcome when we stop wearing jersies , buying cell phones and saving up for rims?
thats also pretty silly.
you're spouting more symptoms..materialism and the pre -occupation with fashion trends is an issue, yes, but it's a minor one compared to the BIG picture, EDUCATION..
once the big picture is seen to, the minor things tend to fade away as well..
chastizing black people because they want to be "trendy" is just more off tangent bullshit that the upper class spew that makes those in the hood pretty much tune them out..
it's like a parent telling a child "CUT YOUR HAIR, you look like a hippie.."
Quote:Originally Posted by muse which is my point it does not make him a leader but still we are still putting so much wait on thesde comments he has said
his opinion is nothing new and has been debated before
so why folks are so amazed at what he has said is truely a refection on us as a peeople
we are more concerned with what bill says
than addressing the problemyou're right it has been said before, by our own people mostly, but obviously just saying the shit isn't gonna change the shit, we've acknowledged the issue long ago, we need solutions, not reminders that there's a problem, i'm reminded everytime i drive into the hood.
Quote:Originally Posted by GQ Smooth But I got a question. You're saying he's out of touch because he's old and because of his money. But if the same speech came from an older family member, yours moms, pops, uncle whatever. Would you take stock in it then? If yes, then try to look pass the messenger and listen to the message. it doesn't figure..i guess i just can't break it down to such a simple exchange , cause to me, this is too broad an issue to compare to a "practice safe sex!!" or "with great power comes great responsibility" speech from an elder..i know what he's trying to do, but he doesn't know us as well as he thinks, and in effect his efforts are essentially wasted..
the ire between the havenots and the well to do will only deepen. -
I find it interesting though, that some of the biggest supporters of Bill Cosby on this issue don't have a dog on the race, and seem glad to just be able to vent their frustrations about blacks.
You noticed that too?
Black people make up 13 percent of the population and only 11% of welfare rolls. Sixty-six percent of that 11% are children who cannot care for themselves. So chances are you're not taking care of anybody Black.
I don't know where you get your information from, but this statement just isn't true.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2000 Report says:
".....Although persons of color, particularly African Americans, have historically comprised a disproportionately high percentage of the AFDC/TANF population, this difference has become even more pronounced since the mid-1990s. National statistics reveal that the proportion of white recipients dropped from 37.4% in 1994 to 30.5% in 1999, while, during the same period, African Americans went from 36.4% to 38% of the welfare population and the proportion of Latinos increased from 19.9% to 24.5%...."
I think I echo the general opinion that it goes for ALL races. Too many children are being raised in single homes. Too many women arent getting an education and instead are milking the system for free money, the men are abondoning their roles as fathers, and the kids are paying for it.
Amen sister! This is exactly how I feel. One of my co-workers' daughter (white) is now pregnant for the SECOND time in two years out of wedlock. Her first kid was by her drug-dealing loser boyfriend who's now doing 5 years in The Big House. I have no idea who she's pregnant by this time, but I'm frigging disgusted that she gets a beautiful new 3 bedroom townhouse for $188.00/month because it's a geared-to-income deal.......a working person would pay $900.00/month for the same thing. Her second boyfriend flew the coup when he found out she was pregnant---guess he just didn't want the responsibility. I said "gee, maybe she should start using BIRTH CONTROL when she has sex eh?" My co-worker is furious with her daughter for being so stupid but hey---she herself had 3 kids out of wedlock with her live-in alcoholic boyfriend, left him 10 years ago, he's never seen them since and has no interest in them at all, so what else can you expect? They learn from our example.
I don't know where you get your information from, but this statement just isn't true.
I wasn't talking about specifically AFDC. I think I the source I got this info from included all forms of assisstance and aid the can be termed welfare. However, if talking solely about ADFC/TANF benefits, then that would be a correct figure. Sorry for any misunderstandings. -
My sincere apologies to Bigboi and anyone else who I may have offended with my posts on this topic.
My opinion was not meant to make anybody angry or to point the finger at any one race or national origin. But sometimes, what goes on in society makes me want to vent. As a man in a neighborhood of many backgrounds..........I just tried to say that there is self pity and self degrading conduct by so many that couldn't do what others might have done with the "plate" they were given. Sometime I am liking the taste of my own foot in my mouth.
My belief is that our great creator will oneday end all poverty and injustice...........and now that we are out of the borg......we can help........however small each of our contribution may be.............food bank......United Way.........rescue missions......Salvation Army ( oh yes.....my favorite) and others. I firmly believe in these organizations and contribute to them.........and as a group of many........all help is welcome. .
Didn't someone once say......"Am I my brothers' keeper?.............I can say........"yes, I AM my brothers' keeper.......I want him to be happy too."
Peace and love,
HappyDad (Bill)
I do have a heart........sometimes it is a little harder than it should be.........
Thank you.
Everytime you post I am enlightened! Man, I wish I had a way with words like you do. The bottom line is..........there AIN'T no white person........no matter how much social, economic and psychological education they may have who will ever know what a black person or other person of color has to go through and put up with in their quest for a happy life and a "Piece of the pie".
Wow............6 pages of comments.............
What I discovered here is the fact that.......... we all having our original common interest of being xjw's.............can "agree to disagree" on all of lifes problems and rewards.........(Ok I borrowed that from who might have originated it.) And we all could sit down for coffee or your drink of choice and have many intellegent "arguments" and still shake hands and hug when it is time to depart.