Actually, the whole world uses spell check now- except me of course Persons on this board may not spell words correctly or not quite put a sentence together correctly, but in general they speak english in a manner that can be understood by us all.(often i don't use words i would prefer to b/c i don't have spell check on this board, and hate to spell things wrong-the spelling police comes after u Also, a lot of us tend to type the way we speak, so the sentences freaquently are put together incorrectly-but rest assured, I did learn how to put a sentence together correctly) They do not use black slang -if they did they would have to translate. My english is certainly not perfect, not even close. But i can speak and understand college level words. This is most likely what mr cosby means, our young black/poor of other races people often cannot be understood at all due to their english being so poor.The disgrace being of course-they are proud of it.
Go Get Em COSBY!!!
by Flash 211 Replies latest jw friends
Sara Annie
However, I wouldn't place the blame solely on the people. Any criticism in that regard, given in this manner must include an evaluation of the socioeconomic problems that plague the inner-city. It would be disingeneous not ot include that in the discourse.
I agree that it's a complex subject, and that 'blame' lies on more than one set of shoulders.
However, there is very little outcry when someone discusses only the "socioeconomic problems that plague the inner-city" without acknowledging the blame that does lie squarely on the shoulders of the black community as a whole. It is equally disingenuous to not address the prevalent behaviors and attitudes when blaming the rest of society and public policy.
One of my least favorite attitudes is that of entitlement and victim-hood that is bandied about by anyone who feels that someone else is holding them back/or down. Yes, we all have obstacles. Some people have bigger impediments to success than others. But we also have to embrace our personal responsiblity for the situation our lives are in. The truth is often unpleasant, and the fact that the other factors involved weren't brought into the discussion doesn't negate what Cosby said. It simply makes the content of the conversation unpalatabe to some.
Contrary to popular opinion, nobody here is trying to quell dissent or stop someone for speaking out.
?Contrary to popular opinion, nobody here is trying to quell dissent or stop someone for speaking out.?
### if you would go back and read my post you will see I NEVER SAID THAT ANYONE IS ? what I stated was when the concern over HOW SOMETHING is said as to WHAT I
?Contrary to popular opinion, nobody here is trying to quell dissent or stop someone for speaking out.?
### if you would go back and read my post you will see I NEVER SAID THAT ANYONE IS ? what I stated was when the concern over HOW SOMETHING is said as to WHAT I
?Contrary to popular opinion, nobody here is trying to quell dissent or stop someone for
speaking out.?### if you would go back and read my post you will see I NEVER SAID THAT ANYONE IS ?
what I stated was when the concern over HOW SOMETHING is said as to WHAT IS SAD is
a trademark also found among jw, the questions to bethel must be ASKED THE RIGHT WAYit was you who stated the following:
?Of course the way he addressed the issue is of prime concern?
so for you it was like in wt THE WAY IT WAS SAID ? and the point is yea he could have
said it better, in a better place, in a better manner perhaps, but at the end of the day the issue remains the same,
and if all one can do is say:?I don?;t like the way he said so and so,? well that has nothing to do with IS IT TRUE OR NOT
YOU go on to ask the following about the $10,000 rims
?Why the hell things like these continue to come up in discussions like this,
I have no idea.?And this is the problem in the black community we see no problem with getting our priorities
out of place- I never said anything was wrong with rims, but black folks wear and drive their A$$etsWe are great CONSUMERS and not to well known for being investors
We will buy HBO all the channels and not pay $9.95 for internet service for out kids
Ask any black person over 50 ? do they recall a time when in a family you wore your brothers
clothes-Now ask any kid black kid in the Hood or Burbs do they wear their older bro clothes-
So unlike our grandparents who DIDN?T HAVE THE MONEY WE HAVE THE money just misuse it in the wrong areas as a community
Do you know how many times the dollare flips in the black communityBlack enterprise mag had an article and it went something like this
Jews 7 times
Asians, 6 times
Hispanics 4 timesBlack folk 1 TIME
When black folks make choices to buy an Navigator while RENTING , yes they can do it as their right, but its all
about choices,
Why not buy something a little cheaper save the difference and make a down payment on some property so that
you can participate in the American dreamIf you want to get real I can ? take blacks from Africa or the islands
These bro hit the ground runningI asked this bro from ethopia how they get money to buy biz- he told me 5 families will donate 250 month to a pool
at year end they draw straws for $12,000- to buy a cab, open a shop etc
And they do it for 5 yrs until each family has $12,000 and as he put it WE DON?T GO TO MR WHITE MANS BANKAs I sat there I knew that amercian blacks couldn never do that for the firs question would be
SO yea it ain?t easy being black and education is expensive but like they say TRY INGNORGANCE
Jesses and co can blame whitey all they want toLike I stated following the white man is to blame logic will mean UNTIL THE MAN decides to help us
we are Sh!t outta luck, I don?t buy that-Will all black make it operating under these conditions of course not, but I firm do belive that more
black can make it DESPITE WHATEVER THE MAN DOESI HAVE MORE CONFIDENCE in black folks perhaps than you do, that we can and should do better DESPITE THE HAND
That's what I have the biggest problem with. IMO, you'd never see a white guy of Cosby's stature come out on the scene and denigrate the white youth. Sadly when it comes to the Black Elite in America there is far too much talk and very little action, outside of getting white folks attention through the media. Then there is an uproar, they get their little funding for thier variious groups, nothing gets done and 5 years later they start the cycle all over again.
agreed, whites don't usually view the color of their skin as a bonding force .Any attempt by whites to do this would be viewed as racist by a number of blacks.
Contrary to popular opinion, nobody here is trying to quell dissent or stop someone for speaking out.
Actually, Simon oppresses me on a daily basis
151, if you put Simon in your will, leaving him all of your earthly posessions you will get special treatment. Oh yah, that and dont be an asshole. just words of advice for everyone *muah*
And I thought you loved me CHEV
I guess i'll have to stalk someone else
Maybe Bill Cosby??